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SPSM-DC_23.6.2.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: June 27, 2023

Part B



Release Note


Grade Keyword Table

Made the following updates to the Grade keyword table:

  • Changed the description values to match the code values.

  • Added a series of adult grade-level values.


Updates to LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Part B Service Records, and Special Education Part B Profiles

Made the following change to the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

  • Added Enrollment Exit Reason to the profile summary grid. The user can now see the Exit reason for an enrollment exited without opening the enrollment record.

Made the following changes to Service Records Part B profile:

  • Added the Service lookup result grid with a few new columns. These columns have additional information about the service to be shown to the user while selecting the service. New columns are: IEP Date, Service End Date, and ESY Service flag indicating if the Service is ESY service. The columns are re-ordered to show the critical and more related data together.

  • Updated the Service Information section to show the IEP Date and the ESY Service flag.

Made the following change to the Special Education Part B profile:

  • Added a new validation to avoid users selecting Amendment as IEP Meeting Type while updating IEP details on the Special Education profile. While editing the profile, users can select only Annual or Initial as the IEP Meeting type. The Amendment meeting type remains a valid keyword and will be used on the state model.


Updates to Service Plan

Made the following updates to the service plan document:

  • Corrected the behavior of the Service Plan, which will clear the IEP Completion Date and IEP meeting type values on the Special Education profile when the user finalizes an approved Service Plan. The service plan completion date and next review date will also be updated on the profile.

  • If the parent or guardian declines or requests an additional meeting indicated in the Document Delivery section or declines through the digital signing process, upon finalization of the Service Plan, the plan will not appear as active, and no data of the Service Plan will be updated in the system. If there is a previously approved IEP or Service Plan, that plan will remain active.


Consent for Initial Provision of Service Document - Usability Improvements

Made the following changes to the Consent for Initial Provision of Services document:

  • Updated the document template Consent for Initial Provision of Services to improve usability and allow the system to handle cases where the school does not receive parent or guardian consent. This change allows staff users to set the consent response as Parent/Guardian/Student Did not receive the response and finalize the document. The response gets captured on the student's Referrals Part B profile.

  • Updated the document with improved UI and display of guidance statements.


 Prior Written Notice (PWN) Exit Document Updates

Made the following updates to the PWN Exit document:

  • While working on PWN for the Exit document, the user is no longer required to include the PWN Exit date to save the draft notice. The date must only be added once the document is set to Review or Final status.

  • The document delivery section can be used post-finalization of the document. Users can now keep track of all document deliveries associated with the PWN for Exit documents. Moreover, the document delivery details will be stored on the Document Delivery profile.

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