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SPSM-DC_23.9.3.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: October 3, 2023

Part B



Release Note


LEA Entry/Exit Profile, Keyword Table Updates

  • Added a new keyword named SchoolYear. The keyword table holds the school years from 2020-2021 to 2028-2029 by default.

  • Added a new keyword named ARC (Automated Record Close) to the ExitReasonTable keyword table. The ARC keyword is used when the system auto-closes the open enrollment record with a blank end date when a new or latest LEA Entry/Exit record with a blank End Date is pushed into the system.

  • Updated the LEA Entry/Exit profile to have the School Year as a drop-down list, and the user must select the school year while creating or updating the enrollment record. The School Year will be displayed on the summary grid.

  • Added a new script named Update LEA Entry/Exit under Configuration, Profile Types, and then Update Scripts.

  • The script will run daily and identify any student with more than one open LEA Entry/Exit profile record, with more than one record with a blank End Date. If a student has more than one open-ended record, the newest record based on the start date will remain with a blank end date. When the script is executed, the previous record will be updated with the end date one day before the new record's start date and an exit reason as Automated Record Close.


First Provision of Specialized Instruction Document

The First Provision of Specialized Instruction document can now be created for students aged three to five years and eleven months. Previously, the system validated the document's creation for students with a maximum age of five years.


Script To De-Activate the Students

Renamed the script Part B Activate/Deactivate Students to Part B Deactivate Students. The script is also updated to only deactivate the student if the student has an EnrollmentExitDate that is the same as the current date or less. The script will be executed to deactivate the student only for Part B. The script will not deactivate any student if the environment is configured for Part C using the global configurations.


Service Capture - License Validations

Removed staff licensing and credentialing from logging Service Capture records.


Prior Written Notice and Letter of Invitation

Updated the Prior Written Notice and Letter of Invitation document templates to show the latest parent or guardian contacts with education rights from the Student Contacts Part B profile. The system only updates the latest parent or guardian details on the documents in Draft mode. Once the document is set to Review or Final status, any contact details added or updated post that will not be updated on the document.


OSSE Part B Student Import Update

Updated the Part B Student Import (model) to allow empty values for the following fields in addition to what is already there:

  • Middle Name

  • Student Address 2

  • Student Ward

  • Enrollment Exit Date

  • Enrollment Exit Reason

  • Homeless


Location Tenant Import (Model) Layout

Updated the Location Tenant Import (model) layout to address an issue where the locations were not associated with Districts at the tenants.


Stepwell Reports - StudentImportProng2, StudentImport and Location Updates

  • Updated the Stepwell Location report to list only the Location ID without spending the values with -D.

  • Updated Grade column of the Stepwell StudentImport report to show the student’s grade from the most recent LEA Entry/Exit profile record having the latest Start Date.

  • In the Stepwell StudentImportProng2 report, the IEP/IFSP meeting will include the IEP, SP, or IFSP Meeting Dates. Grade the student’s grade from the most recent LEA Entry/Exit profile record having the latest Start Date.


Letterhead/Document Heading Changes

Updated the following documents or sections to show the OSSE name and address as the letterhead:

  • Notification and Consent for Medicaid Reimbursement document

  • IEP Section - Independent Student Drop-Off Consent

  • IEP Section - Annual Notification of Parental Medicaid Consent

  • Statewide Alt Assessment Participation Consent document

All other documents will continue to show the LEA logo, name, and address configured on the Configurations, Profile Types, and Globals settings page.


Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Resolved the incorrect validation error on the Classroom Accommodations section even when the student goals were marked as not to participate in alternate assessments. The error was restricting the user from finalizing the IEP.

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