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SPSM-DC_25.1.2.0 Release Notes

Date of release: January 29, 2025



Release Note



The referral document now allows selecting the “Reevaluation” option only for students with the IEP tag, not for those with the referral tag.


Tags - Profile - Remove Part B Script Updates

Updated the Tags—Profile—Remove Part B script to remove the referral tag from the student profile when the student has a special education exit date in the special education profile or discontinues the referral process.


IEP Services Part B Profile

This update adds two new date fields—First Delivered and First Attempted—to the IEP Services Part B profile and removes the calculated field, First Session Date.


IEP Services Part B Profile and New Script

This update makes the following changes to the IEP Services Part B profile.

  • The IEP Services Part B summary grid now has a new IEPDOCIDT column. This column displays the IEP document's Document IDT associated with the services displayed in the profile shown.

  • Added a new update script named Set First Delivered. Attempted date in IEPServices' which will update the First Attempted Date field when it is blank with the earliest Service Date from the linked Service Records for the Session Types 01, 02, 04, 05, and 06.

  • The script will also update the First Delivered Date field when it is blank with the earliest Service Date from the linked Service Records for the session types with ProvidedSession=Yes.

  • Additionally, suppose the date value in the First Delivered or First Attempted field is later than what is in the associated service capture linked records. In that case, the script will update the First Delivered and First Attempted Date value with the earlier linked service capture date.


Invitation Letter

This update makes the following changes to the Invitation Letter:

  • Added a new flyout section named Student Letter of Invitation. The system automatically generates an invitation letter for the student based on the following conditions:

    • If the student is 13 or older on the date of the meeting.

    • If “IEP” is selected as the purpose and “Secondary Transition” is chosen, the letter gets generated regardless of age.

    • If the student has Educational Rights on the Demographics profile, the letter gets generated in the student’s format.

      • The student can also invite their parents. In that case, a letter is sent to them.

    • Added a new checkbox, “Invite Student,” to invite the student and parent or guardian when needed.

      • This checkbox will not appear if the student has Educational Rights selected on the Demographic profile.


SWD Count Summary Profile

Made the following changes to the SWD Count Summary Profile:

  • Removed redundant columns (ID, Disability, Enrollment Grade, Student USI APR)

  • Removed Dur Mins Gen Ed from the summary view only

  • Renamed EnrollmentDistrict to Attending LEA

  • Renamed EnrollmentSchool to Attending School

  • Updated Age at Audit to display the age in years and months

  • Moved the School Hours/Week label/field from the LRE area to the Enrollment under the School Type label

  • Removed “Hrs.” from these labels:

    • Service Total Inside Gen Ed Hours

    • Service Total Inside Gen Ed Minutes

    • Service Total Out of Gen Ed Hours

    • Service Total Out of Gen Ed Minutes

  • Updated the profile such that the record can be deleted when the Count Date is greater than today and the Final Submission date is less than or equal to today. A message “Unable to delete the record as it is not within the Count Date and Final Submission Date ranges” appears.

  • Corrected the script “Populate SWD Count Summary’ to display the ‘School Hours/Week.” The script will display the Hours using the school day value from the Location record based on the Attending School value in the SWD Count profile.

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