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SPSM-DC_25.2.0.0 Release Notes

Date of release: February 12, 2025



Release Note


One Time Script

Added a one-time script named “One time Script- Medicaid Data,” which will update the Medicaid Consent Date and Consent Received Date with the Parent/Guardian Consent and Parent/Guardian Consent Date from the Document Delivery section based on the student’s most recent Notification & Consent for Medicaid Reimbursement document (regardless of the status of the document) where the document was not signed digitally -Will Sign is false/blank.


Referral Profile

Made the following changes to the Referral Profile:

  • Renamed the field Eligibility Due Date to Actual Eligibility Due Date. When hovering over the field, the following guided language will appear: “Initial referrals calculate 60 days from consent to eligibility after parental consent has been granted.”

  • Corrected the logic for the referral reason, out-of-state referrals to add 60 calendar days from the Consent Received date to display the Eligibility Due Date.

  • Added a new section at the bottom of the profile labeled Reporting Eligibility Due Date. Added a new field labelled “Projected Eligibility Due Date”. When a user hovers over the “Projected Eligibility Due Date,” the guiding language should appear as “Calculating 90 days referral to eligibility, pending parental consent”. When the referral reason is Initial Evaluation, Part C to Part B or Out of State, and Consent Response is “No Response (blank response), Did Not Respond, or Consent Denied, it will add 90 calendar days from the Date Referral Received. if the referral reason is re-evaluation, the field is blank.


Section 504 Documents

Updated the two documents, specifically Section 504 - Notice and Consent to Evaluate and Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation, to display the student information according to the Student's Education Rights flag. The document will be in the student's format if the student has Education Rights listed in the demographics profile.

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