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SPSM-DC_25.3.0.0 Release Notes

Date of release: March 05, 2025



Release Note


First Provision of Specialized Instruction

  • Updated the First Provision of Specialized Instruction document to flow the calculated date to the Special Education Profile, First Date of Specialized Instruction upon finalization of the document.

  • The date required for the Local Education Agency (LEA) to provide Specialized Instruction is now necessary for finalizing the document.

  • Added a one time script to insert the First Date of Specialized Instruction in the Special Education Profile for any document that has been previously finalized where the user selected Yes, Was specialized instruction provided on or by mm/dd/yyyy. The script will use the calculated date when Yes is selected and will update the First Date of Specialized Instruction in the Special Education profile.


Subclass III Part B Profile Script

Added the profile script named Subclass III Part B to populate the data onto the Reasonable Efforts to Obtain Consent Timeliness column based on the Referral Date in Referrals Part B profile, Parent Consent Timeliness and Student Contact Logs Part B profile.


Subclass III Report

Made the following changes to the Subclass III Standard and Advanced Report:

  • Updated the report to include the option Eliminate Duplicate Profiles When Merging Tenants for State/Regional Modules to prevent any duplicate data when running a consolidated report.

  • Updated the main selection criteria in the report to scan through all referral records instead of focusing on just the top value for referral reasons 1, 3, and 4. This change ensures that the entire report data is displayed based on the selected referral record.

  • Updated the report to include the renamed field Eligibility Due Date and the new field logic Projected Eligibility Due Date to display the data.

  • Updated the Reasonable Efforts to Obtain Parental Consent Timeliness report column to pull data based on the Referral Date in Referrals Part B profile, Parent Consent Timeliness and Student Contact Logs Part B profile.


Annual IEP Report

  • Added a new report with KPIs, Annual IEP Totals, under the Advanced Reports, Federal Report, and a Standard report including the Student level detailed information under the Standard reports, Part B Model Reports category.

  • The selection criteria for Annual IEP Student Details is students who have an IEP due date within the entered date range. The system will pull all students where IS_IEP is true within the report's date range. The report pulls the data from the Plan History Part B profile

  • The report includes both active and inactive students.

  • The key counts on the advanced report include the following data:

    • LEA ID

    • LEA Name

    • School Code

    • School Name

    • Total Number of Students

    • Number of Timely Students

    • Number of Untimely -Held Late Students

    • Number of Untimely -Not Held Students

    • Number of Students with a Pending Annual IEP

    • Number of Excluded Students

    • Number of Students with 0-10 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students with 11-20 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students with 21-30 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students with 31-40 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students with 41-50 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students with 51-60 days until the IEP is DUE

    • Number of Students Annual IEP Complete


Projected Eligibility Due Date

Updated the Untimely checkbox so that it will be selected if the Projected Eligibility Due Date is greater than today’s date. When parent consent is either Consent Denied or Did Not Respond is selected, both Timely and Untimely checkboxes will remain blank.


Medicaid Consent Document

Updated the Medicaid Consent Document to flow the Document Delivery data upon finalization when Will sign paper copy is selected. There is no change to the data flow when the document is signed digitally.

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