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Students with Disabilities Snapshot Report

This report summarizes the status, progress, or outcomes of students with disabilities receiving special education services under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This report is similar to the Child Count report.

The report highlights the student records in the red colored text when there is missing data or corrections required for necessary student details around disability and special education needs or services.

Submission Requirements

This report lists all the students with an active IEP and being served under special education as of the Special Education Count Date and students not exited the special education program. The report captures data from the SWD Count Summary Part B profile. The Special Education Count Date is configured under Adminstration, Configuration, Profile Types, and Globals profile.

Student details displayed in the red color text indicate necessary details about the student’s disability, special education needs, or services that are missing in the system, and required corrections. If any details on the report other than the Student’s Middle Name, Dedicate Aide, Dedicated Aide Minutes, and Dedicated Aide Hours are missing, the report highlights the student record in red color text.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Federal Reporting, then click Students with Disabilities Summary.

  3. Enter a Count Date manually or use the calendar icon.

  4. Click Update Report with Values.

To review the latest data, click Refresh Data after opening the report in the application.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name

Special Education Count Date

The system displays the student’s count date for the collection.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Count Date


LEA Code

The system displays the student’s LEA code number.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, LEA Code


LEA Name

The system displays the student’s attending LEA name.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, LEA Name

{EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME}

School Code

The system displays the student’s school code.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, School Code

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student’s attending school name.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, School Name


School Type

The system displays the student’s school type.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, School Type


Student ID

The system displays the student’s ID number.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Student ID



The system displays the student’s USI number.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, USI


First Name

The system displays the student’s first name.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, First Name


Middle Name

The system displays the student’s middle name.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Middle Name


Last Name

The system displays the student’s last name.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Last Name



The system displays the student’s gender.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Gender


Age At Audit

The system displays the student’s age on the count date.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Age At Audit


Date Of Birth

The system displays the student’s birth date.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Date of Birth



The system displays the student’s grade.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Grade


Primary Disability Code

The system displays the student’s primary disability code.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B,


Primary Disability

The system displays the student’s primary disability.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Primary Disability


Dedicated Aide

The system displays Yes if the student has a dedicated aide. Else display No.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Dedicated Aide

{StudentAide:+"YES"} {StudentAide:-"NO"}

Dedicated Aide Minutes

The system displays how many minutes the student has a dedicated aide in a day.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Dedicated Aide Minutes


Dedicated Aide Hours

The system displays how many hours the student has a dedicated aide in a day.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Dedicated Aide Hours


Special Education Percentage

The system displays the percentage of time a student spends outside of the general education environment.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Percentage Outside GenEd Setting


General Education Percentage

The system displays the percentage of time a student spends inside of the general education environment.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, Percentage Inside GenEd Setting


Educational Environment

The system displays the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for students.

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, LRE Code


SPED Level

The system displays the student's special education rating (1 to 4).

Profile: SWD Count Summary Part B, SPED Level


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