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Transportation Eligibility Worksheet - MFS

This page is only displayed when the Medically Fragile Students (MFS) Requiring Transportation to Access FAPE option is selected as a specialized transportation service requirement for the student in the Transportation area of the Services and Dedicated Aides section of the IEP document.

Transportation Eligibility Worksheet - MFS

  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Transportation Eligibility Worksheet - MFS using the flyout menu.

  2. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

      • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

  3. The system provides six long stylized text boxes to enter IEP team discussion notes for the considerations. The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in each text box.

  4. In the Eligibility Determination section, select a response for the Based on the considerations, does the student's medical condition prevent the student from traveling safely in a standard or non-adapted vehicle? checkbox. 

    • If Yes is selected, the student is eligible for special education transportation services under the MFS category. A long stylized text box appears to provide a written justification of the IEP team determination, including a description of the chronic condition that prevents safe travel and specifies the specialized transportation needed. There is a minimum of 20 characters in each text box.  Upon finalization of the approved IEP, the data flow process will select YES for Transportation Eligible Yes/No and will select the MFS checkbox on the student's Special Education Part B profile.

    • If No is selected, the student is not eligible for special education transportation services under the MFS category. Upon finalization of the approved IEP, the data flow process will select NO for the Transportation Eligible field and will not select the MFS checkbox on the student's Special Education Part B profile.

  5. Enter a date in the Date of Determination field.  Upon finalization of the approved IEP, the data flow process will flow the value to the Transportation Eligibility Determination Date on the student's Special Education Part B profile.

  6. Click Save, Done Editing.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the IEP, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

The data flows out from the Date of Determination field of the document.

Special Education Part B, Transportation Eligibility Determination Date

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