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Transportation List

Transportation List report is a standard report containing the details of students who are found eligible for specialized transportation needs as per the active Individualized Education Plan (IEP) within the past year from the date of report generation.

Submission Requirements

The report lists students eligible for transportation services according to their Individualized Education Program (IEP). This report only includes students whose IEP start date is within the last 365 days from the date the report is generated. School-specific reports can be generated using the Organization Location filter.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Medicaid, then click Transportation List.

  • To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

  • Select a school from the Organization Location Filter drop-down menu to generate a school-specific report.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name


The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Demographics Part B, USI


First Name

The system displays the student’s first name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, First Name


Last Name

The system displays the student’s last name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Last Name


LEA Code

The system displays the student's LEA ID.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}

LEA Name

The system displays the Local Educational Agency (LEA) name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending LEA


School Code

The system displays the student's school code.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student's attending school name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


IEP Begin Date

The system displays the student’s IEP start date.

Profile: Special Education Part B, IEP Start Date


IEP End Date

The system displays the student’s IEP end date.

Profile: Special Education Part B, IEP End Date


Event Date

The system displays the date when the event was entered. The system reports the date of finalization of the latest IEP document created within the PowerSchool Special Program or the latest migrated IEP PDF document date.



Event ID

The system displays the Special Education Data System generated document ID number. The system reports the IDT values of the latest IEP document created within the PowerSchool Special Program or the latest migrated IEP pdf document added to the system.



OSSE-DOT Transport

The system displays the type of vehicle the student uses for transportation.



IEP Type

The system displays the student’s IEP type.

Profile: Special Education Part B, IEP Type


Date Generated

The system displays the report generation date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

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