Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Delaware (DE) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When there is a "Software menu path" link in a section, you can click that link to go to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Document Templates
The DE state model includes the following document templates:
Special Education
Individualized Education Program
Assurance of Adequate Resources
Invitation to Meeting
Voluntary Grant of Authority
Educational Representative After Attainment Age 18
Prior Written Notice
DE IEPPLUS Progress Report
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Profile Types
The DE state model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
General Ed Students
Student Demographics
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
Alternate Staff Locations
Student Demographics
Student Special Education
Student Services
Student Medical
Student Reports
Non-Regulatory Data
Students - Other
Contact Logs
Document Delivery
Service Plan Services
Student Services
Model Reports
The DE state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports
eSchoolPLUS Migration Tests
Migration - Students - LREs
Migration - Students - Student Report
Migration - Students - Student Services
Migration - Students - Student Special Education
eSchoolPLUS CaseMgr DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS ConsentEval DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS DiplomaCert DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS DoNotCnt DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS EligDeterm DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS IEPEndDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS IEPMtgDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS IEPStrtDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS IntEligDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS ISPInitDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS NPFacilityCode DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS Place3_5 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS Place6_21 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS PPPSMtgDate DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS PrimDisab DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode1 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode2 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode3 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode4 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode5 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode6 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS RelSerCode7 DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS SecDisab DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS SEExitRsn DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS SEPreRef DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS Student REF Status (studentIEPStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Student SE Status (studentIEPStatus)
eSchoolPLUS ZCalProg DistrictDefined
PowerSchool Export
PowerSchool Alert Export
Public Caseload Reports
Student Reports
Active Student List
ESY and 12 Month Program Eligibility List
Instructional Services List
Other Factors List
Related Services List
Statewide Assessment List
Transportation List
Public Student Reports
District Special Education Exit Report
Eligibility by Ethnicity
Eligibility by Gender
Eligibility by Grade
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review Stoplight
IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation Stoplight
Timeframe Between Evaluation and Identification
Public Alternate Staff Locations Reports
Staff locations
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports
The DE state model does not include any Advanced Reports.
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons, etc.
Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.
The system administrator can edit those keyword tables not required for state reporting.
The DE state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
CommunicationEventType | Communication Event Type |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students). |
CountyTable | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
DeliveryMethod | Delivery method |
DeliveryMode | Modes of Delivery for notices |
DiplomaCertificate | Diploma/Certificate of Performance: |
Disability | Contains the special education disability categories. |
District | District names |
Duration | Duration |
EnrollmentExitReason | EnrollmentExitReason |
ESYService | ESY service |
EthnicTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
Funding | Funding Needs Category |
Grade | Contains an entry for each grade. |
IEPTypes | IEP Types |
Languages | Possible languages |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeetingTypes | meeting types |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
ParentResponses | Parent Responses |
PersonnelPositions | Contains an entry for each position an employee may have. |
Place3_5 | Place3-5 |
Place6_21 | Place6-21 |
ProgressReportingKeyword | Progress Reporting Keyword |
Race | Race |
ReadingESYService | Reading ESY Service |
RELSERCode | Related Service |
Service | Service |
ServiceSetting | Service Setting |
ServiceType | Service Type |
SpecialEdExitReason | Special Ed Exit Reason |
StaffPositions | Contains an entry for each position a staff may have. |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
StudentType | Category under which students can belong in TIEnet |
TransportationType | Transportation type |
ZCalProgram | ZCalProgram |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall DE state model:
Revision Feature
Active Document
Program Icons/Flags
Contact Log
Translation Readiness
Transfer Package