Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Florida (FL) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When there is a "Software menu path" link in a section, you can click that link to go to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Document Templates
The FL state model includes the following document templates:
Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan
Gifted EP
Service Plan
Student Study Team Process
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Profile Types
The FL state model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Time Units/Conversions
Last Year
Class Staff Roster
ELL Student Demographics/Enrollment
Model Reports
The FL state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports
Public Student Reports
All Students
Developmentally Delayed
Educable mentally Handicapped
Emotionally Handicapped
Gifted Students
Hospital Homebound
Language Impaired
Profoundly Mentally Handicapped
Severely Emotionally Disturbed
Specific Learning Disabled
Speech Impaired
Student Count
Student Count Multi
Trainable Mentally Handicapped
Traumatic Brain Injured
Visually Impaired
Public Staff Reports
All Staff
Public Class Student Roster Reports
All Student Rosters
Public Class Staff Roster Reports
All Staff Rosters
Public Document Reports
08-09 Gifted IEP Count
08-09 IEP Count
08-09 IEPs
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons, etc.
Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.
The system administrator can edit those keyword tables not required for state reporting.
The FL state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
AdditlProperties | Contains an entry for each additional property of a record in a record list. |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district are used to define calendar days. |
Certifications | Contains every certification used by the district. |
ClassTypeTable | Indicates all the class types used in a district. This includes (but is not limited to) mainstream, bilingual, basic skills, and special education class types. |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students). |
CountyTable | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
Distr_LocationTypes | Contains an entry for each district/location type (e.g., "Local Education Agency" or "Regional Day School"). |
EducPlanWaiverTable | Contains an entry for each educational plan waiver (e.g., length of academic day) used in the district. |
EligibilityCatgories | Contains the special education eligibility categories. |
ESEServiceEnum | The enumerator for ESE services from IEP |
EthnicTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
FundingType | Contains an entry for each type of funding used by the district. |
GenPurpClasses | Supports the "Classes" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpDistricts | Supports the "Districts" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpLocations | Supports the "Locations" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpPersonnel | Supports the "Personnel" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpStudents | Supports the "Students" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
GuardianRlationTable | Contains an entry for each type of guardian a student may have. |
HomeInstructionBy | Contains an entry for each entity that can place a student on home instruction. |
IEPReasons | Contains an entry for each reason for performing a special education evaluation of a student. |
IEPTypeTable | Contains the types of IEPs. |
InDistMunicipalities | Contains the names of all the constituent municipalities of the district. |
InstructionSettings | Contains an entry for each instructional setting (e.g., self-contained). |
Lang_Instr_Testing | Contains an entry for each language of instruction or testing recognized by the state. |
LTR_Elig_NotElig | Keyword table for Letters, Eligible/not eligible. |
LTR_Has_Hasnot | Grad Letter Table - Has/Has Not. |
LTR_Has_NotHave | Has, Does not have a keyword table for Letters. |
Ltr_You_Student | For Letters - Notice of Grad. |
LTR_Your_His_Her | Letters - Grad letter. |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
OperatingTypeTable | Contains an entry for each state-recognized district operating type. |
PersonnelPositions | Contains an entry for each position an employee may have. |
ProgramTable | Contains an entry for every program. This includes special education, bilingual, basic skills, and mainstream programs. |
ServicesTable | Contains an entry for every service (related, supportive, etc.) recognized by the state. |
SpEdEventsTable | Contains an entry for any special education 'item' which needs tracking. Used to define entries for multi-value fields. |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
SupportedRpts_Scrpts | Contains an entry for all reports (state or otherwise) & scripts supported by this structure. |
TeacherArea_JobCodes | Contains an entry for each teacher position recognized by the state. |
TeamMemberPositions | Contains an entry for each position on a special education team. This includes child study, evaluation & IEP conference teams. |
TestEvaluationType | Contains an entry for the evaluation type/method (e.g., registered holistic scoring) of a given test. Each test is evaluated by a method from this table and yields a score (see the 'ScoreTypeTable' table). |
TestExemptions | Selections for testing exemptions. |
TestTable | The assessment instruments used and their properties. |
TimeTable | Contains an entry for each possible time (e.g., full-time) a student can be enrolled, placed, etc. |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall FL state model:
State Standards
Contact Log