PowerSchool SIS Integration
This guide contains information about the data elements transferred from PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP) to PowerSchool SIS to avoid entering data twice. The goal is to provide special education data to ensure all state reports can be generated in your SIS.
Data Imports
PowerSchool SIS owns student demographic data (for example, student name, gender, and so on.). These data fields are imported into PowerSchool Special Programs using the Student Demographics import that can be generated manually or configured to run on a scheduled basis using an API Integration Tool (the Data Connectivity Tool).
You can find this and other Import Layouts by navigating to Administration, Configuration, Integration, and then Import Layouts using the PowerSchool SIS Rest API data source type.
Data Upload from PowerSchool Special Programs to PowerSchool SIS
PowerSchool Special Programs owns or maintains special education data (for example, disabilities, referrals, meeting dates, related services, and so on). The Special Programs data elements can be uploaded into the PowerSchool Student Information System nightly.
A scheduled task is run to upload data to PowerSchool SIS, comparing the data in PowerSchool SIS to the data in the export reports (PowerSchool Special Programs). If the data does not exist, it will be added to PowerSchool SIS. If it exists, it will be updated.
The following reports are available in Reporting, Standard Reports, and PowerSchool Export Reports (the report names listed here are direct links to open the reports in the application).
Help Guides and Support are under the application banner's question tag icon.
Data Connectivity Tool (DCT) resources are located under Administration, Configuration, Integration, and then select the More dropdown.
Data Connectivity Guide: provides step-by-step instructions for setting up integration using the data connectivity tool and managing settings.
Data Connectivity Tool: plug-in required for integration.
Understanding the Mapping Table
Each setup table may include some or all of the following elements. Reports will not display elements that are not pertinent to that report.
Breadcrumbs and Navigation: The navigation aid indicates the path to the data entry page in PowerSchool Special Programs. Each “>” represents a new page or link. For example: Student > Profile.
Data Element: The name of the field as it appears in the state report.
Field Name: The name of the field where the data is stored. {PrimaryDisability}
Reports: The name of each report that uses the data element. This field may be populated with “Required Setup” or “Not Required” to indicate whether the data element should be configured for Georgia state reporting not specific to a report.
PowerSchool Special Programs to PowerSchool SIS Fields
PowerSchool Special Programs own the following data elements and will be written back to PowerSchool SIS for state reporting. The Export reports are found under PowerSchool Special Programs Reporting, Standard Reports.
Student Record
PowerSchool Special Programs Page | Data Element | PowerSchool Table | Special Logic | Reports |
Student > Profile > Eligibility, Primary Eligibility | {PrimaryDisability:L"Primary Area"} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEd_X]PAE | Valid Values: | S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X |
Student > Profile > Eligibility, Other, Are extended school year services necessary? | Eligibility Profile: {ESYNecessary} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]ExtYr | Flow from IEP field {ESYNecessary} on section 'ESY' | NA |
Student > Profile > Eligibility, Primary Eligibility | GAA Flag {GAAFlag:L"GAA Flag"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]GAA_Flag | Valid Values: Y, N, Blank | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting – Student Record | Events are created based on Profile dates: 02 - from Initial Parental Consent to Evaluate Received: (02){SpEdDates[PCON]:L"Initial Parental Consent to Evaluate Received (02)"} 03 - from Initial Evaluation Date (03){SpEdDates[INEV]:L"Initial Evaluation Date (03)"} 04 - from Initial Eligibility Date (04, 11) {SpEdDates[INIT]} 05 - from Initial IEP Date (05){SpEdDates[IEPM]:L"Initial IEP Date (05)"} 06 - from Date First Receive Services (06){FirstReceiveServices:L"Date First Receive Services (06)"} 07 - from Most Recent Annual Review Date (07): {SpEdDates[ANRV]} 08 - from Date of Eligibility/Redetermination (08):{SpEdDates[TRI]} 09 - from Special Ed Exit Date (09,10) {SpEdExitDate:L"Special Ed Exit Date (09)"} where exit reason is NOT 'Parent Revocation' 10 - from Special Ed Exit Date (09,10) {SpEdExitDate:L"Special Ed Exit Date (10)"} where exit reason is 'Parent Revocation' 11 - from Initial Eligibility Date (04, 11){SpEdDates[INIT]} 12 - from Initial Parent Refusal for Placement (12) | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]EventCode | Note: The Georgia DOE maintains a history of special education events reported for prior school years. Events with codes 02 – 06 remain static after being reported the first time. Valid Values: 02 - 13: 02 - Parent Consent to Evaluation 03 - Initial Evaluation 04 - Initial Eligibility Determination 05 - Initial IEP Meeting 06 - Initial IEP Placement/Transition Service Begin (BCW) 07 - IEP Annual Review 08 - Re-Eligibility Determination 09 - Special Education Exit 10 - Parent Revoked Consent 11 - Student Not Eligible for Initial Placement 12 - Parent Refused Initial Placement 13 - District Verified That Student Was Incorrectly. Reported as SWD in a Prior Year | (S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C |
Student > Profile > Reporting – Student Record | Export the date of each SpEd Event defined in the export field SPED007/Event Code | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]EventDate | Export events where: Global.FirstSchoolDay = < Event Date <= Global.LastSchoolDate | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting – Student Record, Student Present at Initial | Populated from IEP Cover Sheet Purpose of Meeting and Team Members in Attendance where Student is selected. Profile Fields: > Student Present at Initial {StudentAtInitMeeting:L"Student Present at Initial"} > Student Present at Annual{StudentAtMeeting:L"Student Present at Annual"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]StudentPresent | Valid Values: Y, N, Blank send blank if EventCode is NOT in (05,07) | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting – Student Record, Parent Present at Initial | Populated from IEP Cover Sheet Purpose of Meeting and Team Members in Attendance where at least on Parent is selected. Profile Fields: > Parent Present at Initial{ParentAtInitMeeting:L"Parent Present at Initial"} > Parent Present at Annual{ParentAtMeeting:L"Parent Present at Annual"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]ParentPresent | Valid Values: Y, N, Blank send blank if EventCode is NOT in (05,07) | NA |
PowerSchool Special Programs Page | Data Element | PowerSchool Table | Special Logic | Reports |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Special Ed Environment | IEP Services Profile > Hours in Special Ed Environment {ServiceTime} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]SpedSvcMin | Calculated from IEP Services in Special Education Environment. | S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Hours/Week | P {HourPerWeekCode[MID]:L"P"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWP | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is MID and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table. Valid Values: N = None X = Less than one hour per week 1 = One hour per week 2 = Two hours per week 3 = Three hours per week 4 = Four hours per week 5 = Five hours per week 6 = Six through ten (6-10) hours per week 7 = Eleven through fifteen (11-15) hours per week 8 = Sixteen through twenty (16-20) hours per week 9 = Twenty-one through twenty-five (21-25) hours per w 0 = Over Twenty-five hours per week | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Hours/Week by Disability | Q{HourPerWeekCode[MOID]:L"Q"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWQ | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is MOID and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | R{HourPerWeekCode[SID]:L"R"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWR | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is SID and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | S{HourPerWeekCode[PID]:L"S"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWS | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is PID and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | T{HourPerWeekCode[EBD]:L"T"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWT | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is EBD and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | U{HourPerWeekCode[SLD]:L"U"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWU | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is SLD and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | V{HourPerWeekCode[OI]:L"V"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWV | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is OI and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | W{HourPerWeekCode[HH]:L"W"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWW | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is HH and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | X{HourPerWeekCode[D]:L"X"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWX | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is D and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Hours/Week by Disability | Y{HourPerWeekCode[OHI]:L"Y"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWY | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is OHI and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | Z{HourPerWeekCode[VI]:L"Z"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPWZ | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is VI and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | 1{HourPerWeekCode[B]:L"1"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW1 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is B and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | 2{HourPerWeekCode[DB]:L"2"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW2 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is DB and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | 3{HourPerWeekCode[SI]:L"3"R | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW3 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is SI and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | 6{HourPerWeekCode[AUT]:L"6"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW6 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is AUT and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | 7{HourPerWeekCode[TBI]:L"7"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW7 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is TBI and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Hours/Week by Disability | 8{HourPerWeekCode[SDD]:L"8"R | [S_GA_STU_SpecEdHrs_X]HPW8 | Calculated Special Education Services hours where Primary Disability is SDD and converted to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Primary Area | {PrimaryDisability:L"Primary Area"} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEd_X]PAE | Primary Disability Valid Values: P - Mild Intellectual Disability Q - Moderate Intellectual Disability R - Severe Intellectual Disability S - Profound Intellectual Disability T - Emotional / Behavioral Disorder U - Specific Learning Disability V - Orthopedic Impairment W - Hearing Impairment X – Deaf Y - Other Health Impairment Z - Visual Impairment 1 – Blind 2 - Deaf and Blind 3 - Speech / Language Impairment 6 – Autism 7 - Traumatic Brain Injury 8 - Significant Developmental Delay Blank – N/A | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Related Hours | A{RelatedHoursCode[A]:L"A"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursA | Calculated Related service hours for Adapted Physical Education and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table Valid Values: N = None X = Less than one hour per week 1 = One hour per week 2 = Two hours per week 3 = Three hours per week 4 = Four hours per week 5 = Five hours per week 6 = Six through ten (6-10) hours per week 7 = Eleven through fifteen (11-15) hours per week 8 = Sixteen through twenty (16-20) hours per week 9 = Twenty-one through twenty-five (21-25) hours per w 0 = Over Twenty-five hours per week | NA |
“ | B{RelatedHoursCode[B]:L"B"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursB | Calculated Related service hours for Audiology and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | C{RelatedHoursCode[C]:L"C"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursC | Calculated Related service hours for Counseling and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Related Hours | D {RelatedHoursCode[D]:L"D"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursD | Calculated Related service hours for Diagnostic Services and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | E {RelatedHoursCode[E]:L"E"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursE | Calculated Related service hours for Occupational Therapy and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | F {RelatedHoursCode[F]:L"F"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursF | Calculated Related service hours for Physical Therapy and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | G {RelatedHoursCode[G]:L"G"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursG | Calculated Related service hours for Psychological Services and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | H {RelatedHoursCode[H]:L"H"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursH | Calculated Related service hours for Sign Language Interpreting and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | I {RelatedHoursCode[I]:L"I"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursI | Calculated Related service hours for School Health and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | J {RelatedHoursCode[J]:L"J"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursJ | Calculated Related service hours for School Social Work and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
“ | K {SpecialTransport:L"K"} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursK | 5 if Student Requires Special Transportation. Else, N | NA |
“ | L {RelatedHoursCode[L]:L"L"R} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEdHrs_X]RelHoursL | Calculated Related service hours for Orientation and Mobility and converted them to a code in the FTEHours keyword table | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, All Special Education Services | {@Exists(ServPlan, AddYears(1, SPMeetDate) > CurrentDate())}: Service Plan {ActiveIEP}: IEP | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]All_IEP | Indicates whether the student receives all of the services identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Service Plan. Valid values > Y if the student is not exited and has a current IEP. > S if the student is not exited and has a current service plan | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, Special Ed Environment | {@Ifnull( ifnull( ManualEnvironment.Code, LocEnvironment.Code ), SelectCase( ServicePercentage >60:"3", ServicePercentage >20:"2":"1" ) )} | [S_GA_STU_SpedEd_X]Environment | Manual Environment Code Override. Else, calculated from services received in the Special Education environment (See Profile Update Scripts to 'Set Environment) Refer to GA_FTE resources. | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting | {SpEdExitReason:L"Special Ed Exit Reason":F"ExitOption"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]EventCode | Valid Values: - blank, 09, 10 'Blank' if SpedExitReason is Empty '10' if SpedExitReason = 4 (Parent Revocation) 09' for all other exit reasons. | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting | {SpEdExitReason:L"Special Ed Exit Reason":F"ExitOption"} {SpEdExitDate:L"Special Ed Exit Date (09, 10)"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecialEd_C]EventDate | 'Blank' if Special Exit Date is empty. Else: Date of Event 09:{SpEdExitDate} Date of Event 10:{SpEdRevocationDate} | NA |
Student > Profile > Reporting –FTE, GAAFlag | GAA Flag {GAAFlag:L"GAA Flag"} | [S_GA_STU_SpecEd_X]GAA_Flag | Valid Values: Y, N, Blank | NA |