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SPSM-GA_21.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: October 8, 2021

Georgia Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-49573IEP, Assessment Determinations 2021

Updated the IEP, Assessment Determination, VII. Assessment Determination for District & Statewide Assessments section for the academic year 2021-2022.

Refer to the 2021-2022 Student Assessment Handbook for more details.

SPEDSM-37425IEP, Services, Section X minor alignment change

Moved the textbox to the margin to align it with the remainder of the page.

SPEDSM-49716Keyword: Goal Area

Administrators can now add and edit custom keywords to the GoalArea keyword table and control what Keywords are indicated as "InUse."

SPEDSM-45295Section 504: Authorization for Release

Changed minor text to remove an erroneous reference: Pursuant to 20 U.S.C Section 1232…

SPEDSM-47222Section 504: Impairment Keywords. New Profile table for 504 Disabilities
  • Added Disability504 keywords for 504 Impairments.
  • Added In-Use column and made the table admin-editable.
  • Added Code #'s to match PowerSchool SIS codes for Data Integration.
  • Added a new Profile, Section 504 Disabilities table, to display the student's multiple 504 disabilities.
SPEDSM-47329Section 504: Multiple 504 Disabilities Data flow between 504 Eligibility Report and 504 Plan
  • Added the ability to select multiple 504 disabilities on the 504 Eligibility form. Now, the data is saved to Profile on finalization.
  • Added the ability to flow the new 504 disability codes from the Profile to the Section 504 Plan on form creation.
  • If the 504 Disability Profile is blank, users can select 504 Impairments on the 504 Plan, which will be saved in the Profile upon finalization.
  • If 504 impairments flow to the 504 Plan, users can manage the impairments in the 504 Plan, which will flow back to the Profile.
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