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SPSM-ID_21.5.1.0 Release Notes

The release notes for this version are not considered final until the actual software release date.

Idaho Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-37395504 Profile and Caseloads
  • Updated the NotExited profile field, a calculated field that determines whether the student appears in staff caseloads.
  • Updated the calculation to display active 504 and gifted students.
  • 504 Profile: Added a new field labeled Section 504 Exit Date used in the NotExited caseload formula.
SPEDSM-41948504 Written Notice

Added a document date on the top of the form. The date does not flow to the profile.

SPEDSM-42678Demographic Profile: Parents/Contacts

Updated the Unlimited Contacts script to clear the four demographic parents/contacts and emergency contacts and re-load them from the Student Contacts profile, removing any parent/contact if they are removed from the PowerSchool SIS.

SPEDSM-37381Eligibility Report

On the main page, Evaluation team info added a non-lookup for District Admin or Designee.

SPEDSM-32908Gifted Invitation Letter and 504 Invitation Letter

Updated the forms, adding non-lookup to the location so the user can either select the building from the lookup or type in a location like "Google Meets."

  • Created a behavior option named UseGoalWizard in the IEP.
    Note to Administrators: Do not select the "Apply to existing non-final documents" checkbox.
  • Removed the Global option labeled Goal Wizard Enabled. The IEP will now use the setting within the form.
  • On the IEP cover page, added non-lookup for District Administrator or Designee.
  • When the finalized IEP is an Early Childhood IEP, and a new IEP is created, copied from the finalized Early Childhood IEP, it will now copy the correct PLAAFP/Goals section.
  • When an IEP is created, copied from a previous IEP, it will no longer copy any progress note information from the previous IEP.
SPEDSM-43128Profile Scripts

Removed the following profile scripts as they are not used:

  • Assign Security Groups
  • Remove Security Groups
  • Update SE Start/End Dates
  • Clear ExitDate
SPEDSM-37383Service Plan

The projected triennial due date on the cover page was updated to pull from the Special Education Info profile, Reevaluation Due Date.

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