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SPSM-ID_22.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 29, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-61564Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature to the following documents:

  • Individual Education Program (IEP)

  • Service Plan

  • IEP Team Member Excusal

  • Eligibility Report

  • Consent to Invite Transition Agency Personnel

  • Parent or Adult Student and District Agreement

  • Revocation of Consent for Special Ed & Related Svc

  • Authorization for Exchange of Confidential Student

  • Determination of Need for Surrogate Parent

  • Consent to Bill Medicaid

SPEDSM-60347Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature to the following documents:

  • Individual Education Program (IEP)

  • Service Plan

  • IEP Team Member Excusal

  • Eligibility Report

  • Consent to Invite Transition Agency Personnel

  • Parent or Adult Student and District Agreement

  • Revocation of Consent for Special Ed & Related Svc

  • Authorization for Exchange of Confidential Student

  • Determination of Need for Surrogate Parent

  • Consent to Bill Medicaid

SPEDSM-59343Eligibility Report

Resolved an issue where the staff position was not being translated.

SPEDSM-56665GenderTable keyword table

Updated the GenderTable keyword table so administrators can add language translations to the table.


Added the functionality to paste an image with Progress Notes. Pasted images will be included when printing the IEP.

Administrators will need to enable the Enable Graphics behavior option. Once enabled, this functionality will be available for unfinalized documents and new documents.

SPEDSM-42368Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting

Made minor formatting and usability changes to the document to make it more clear and easy to use.

  • Added Lookup/Non-Lookup functionality to the District Administrator or Designee fields of the following documents:
    • Invitation to a Meeting
    • Student Invitation to a Meeting
    • Service Plan (Coversheet)
    • Manifestation Determination
  • Added Lookup/Non-Lookup functionality to the Functional Behavior Assessment document for the following fields:
    • District Administrator or Designee
    • General Education Teacher
    • Special Education Teacher
SPEDSM-52291Service Plan document
  • Resolved an issue where the Projected Triennial Reevaluation Date was calculated differently across various sections of the Service Plan document.  All the sections will now pull the date for this field from the Reevaluation Due Date in the Student Profile.
  • The Reevaluation Due Date in the Student Profile will be based on the Eligibility Determination Date. If the Eligibility Determination Date is empty, the Reevaluation Due Date will be based on the Most Recent Reevaluation Date. If the Most Recent Reevaluation Date is empty, the Reevaluation Due Date will be based on the Initial Eligibility Date.
SPEDSM-55844Special Education Reevaluation Consideration document

Added the Special Education Reevaluation Consideration document as required by the Idaho State Department of Education.

The new document can be found in the Evaluation/Eligibility category.

SPEDSM-48756Student Profile Contacts

Updated PowerSchool Special Programs so that when a contact is deleted from the SIS (PowerSchool SIS or eSchoolPLUS), that contact is also removed from PowerSchool Special Programs.

SPEDSM-55842Written Notice for Discontinuation of Services document

Updated the Written Notice for Discontinuation of Services document to meet state guidelines.

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