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SPSM-IL_22.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 16, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-56587Case Manager

Added the Case Manager field to the following documents:

  • Section 504 - Eligibility
  • Section 504 - Plan
SPEDSM-62864Compliance Updates

Updated the following documents to be compliant with state guidelines:

  • Consent for Initial Provision Special Ed Services
  • Eligibility Report
  • Individualized Education Program
  • Notification Of Conference
  • Summary Of Performance
  • Determination of Educational Autism
  • Determination of Emotional Disability

Compliance updates made to the above documents during this release will be reflected in the unfinalized documents.

SPEDSM-63620Consent for Agency Invitation to Transition Mtg

Updated the form so that the checkboxes for agencies represented in the IEP are the same for parent and student, and follow state guidelines.

SPEDSM-63237Decision Regarding Request for Evaluation

Enabled all the fields in the document to be translatable.

SPEDSM-50946Determination of Intellectual Disability

Administrators can now disable the At least one assessment section action if necessary.

SPEDSM-57045Notice of Procedural Safeguards

Updated the Notice of Procedural Safeguards document to meet state guidelines.

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