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SPSM-IL_23.12.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: December 19, 2023



Release Note


Additional Notes/Information Form

Updated the functionality for the Additional Notes/Information Form. Only the IEP or eligibility documents will flow to the AnnualRevMostRecent field in the profile upon finalization.


Eligibility Report Document

Fixed translatable issue for the Documentation of Evaluation Results area.


Home Language Survey Form

Changed label text from “Native Language” to “Home Language.”

Added Description text: The state requires the district to collect a home language survey for every new student. This information is used to count the students whose families speak a language other than English at home.

  • Added Question: Is a language other than English spoken in your home? Each Yes/No question is Required. Only Yes or No can be selected (not both).

  • If Yes is selected, “Which Language?” is required to be visible to the user with a short textbox.

  • If No is selected, the “Which Language?” option should be hidden.

  • Added a question: Does your child speak a language other than English?

Changed text from “Questionnaire” to “Additional Language Info.”

Removed question 'd' (“Do you speak any language other than English?”).


IEP - Conference Summary Report Section

Users are now required to answer the questions in this interpreter service to complete the section and finalize the document.


IEP Form

  • Removed Anticipated Services option from PostSecondary Outcomes and None needed checkboxes from the Transition Assessments table.

  • Added two new options under Transition Services with No/Yes/Unknown options along with descriptions.

  • Updated the description in the Home-Based Support Services Program table.

  • Removed long text fields for all three options in Plan for determining, plans for enrolling, and
    Plan for developing area.

  • Added checkboxes with Yes/No/unknown Values and label text under Plan for determining- The student/family has met with the local Independent Service Coordination (ISC) provider to discuss the Prioritization for Urgency of Need Services (PUNS) system and to register for potential IDHS/DDD

  • Added checkboxes with Yes/No/Unknown values and label Text – The Student has registered
    for potential IDHS/DDD funding via the PUNS system after “Plans for enrolling the student in the program of home-based services.

  • Added checkboxes with Yes/No/Unknown values and label Text – The student’s record has been
    kept up to date (at least annually) with her/his assigned ISC caseworker and have been
    discussed with the ISC caseworker.

  • Changed the footer of the document from ISBE 34-54I (02/19) to ISBE 34-54I (02/22) on the
    left side of the document.

  • Added Illinois State Board of Education, Special Education Department, 100 North First Street,
    Springfield, Illinois 62777 in the footer area.


Notification of Conference

Updated to display the student/parent names in view/print mode, regardless of whether the digital signature is turned off or on.


Notification of Conference

Updated to display the labels for Name, Title, and Phone Number in View/Print mode as they appear in Edit mode.


Notification of Conference

Made changes to display parents' and students' names in view and print modes regardless of the behavior option.


Notification of Conference

Added a new behavior option field, ShowWaiver. The following sentence should be visible only when a behavior option is turned On: The Parent waives the 10 calendar day notification requirement ___________ (parent Initials).


Parent/Guardian Reeval Consent Form

Fixed the translatable issue for entire document sections.



Made this table editable for administrators to add new rows.


Placement Forms

  • Changed text W-APT to WIDA Screener.

  • Changed text ESOL Needed to ESL needed/ Qualifies for ESL Services.

  • Removed text ESOL Lab Program needed.

  • Changed text Placement in Intensive English Program at to Placement in Full-time EL Services at.

  • Removed text Primary Language English only / Ineligible for ELL Services.

  • Changed text No ESOL services needed to Does not qualify for EL Services.


PlacementOptions Keyword Table

Updated EE30, EE32, and EE33 to match the Environments keyword table descriptions.


Section 504 - Eligibility

Updated Section 504 to display only the Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contacts from Contact Information (student profile section) in the document when the Receives letter/Has Custody checkbox is selected.

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