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SPSM-KS_21.6.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 6, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-43441Behavior Intervention Plan added to IEP

Added a section for Behavior Intervention Plan to the IEP. The Functional Behavior Assessment will still be a standalone document but only have the Summary Report section. On the Considerations section, when "Yes" is selected for the question, “Does the student’s behavior impede the student’s learning or that of others?” there will be checkboxes for Behavior Intervention Plan and Goals/Accommodations. When Behavior Intervention Plan is selected, the Behavior Intervention Plan will be added as a section of the IEP. Additionally, if the Behavior Intervention Plan box is selected on the Considerations section and the IEP is finalized, then the Behavior Intervention Plan checkbox in the Student Profile, and then Special Education Information will be selected. 

SPEDSM-39643Copying section on new IEP document

Fixed an issue with the IEP when the “Copy information from another (previous) document” option is selected. For example, if the user selected only the Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section to copy from a previous document, the Progress Report would populate with the previous IEP goals and objectives data. Information from the Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section will no longer appear in the Progress Report when creating a new IEP.

SPEDSM-41409DisabilityCatgories keyword table

Changed Gifted and Talented to Gifted in the DisabilityCatgories keyword table.

SPEDSM-40847Excusal From Attendance at IEP Meeting

Updated the Excusal From Attendance at IEP Meeting document so that only the "I consent/do not consent" option appears. Previously, there were options for "Agree/Disagree" and "Consent/Do not consent" which was confusing.

SPEDSM-45004Globals - Goal Wizard

Fixed an issue with the Goal Wizard so that the Curriculum will appear, even if the Goal Wizard is not enabled. Previously, when the Goal Wizard was not enabled, the Curriculum didn’t appear on the Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section of the IEP.

SPEDSM-42882IEP: IEP Team ESY Decision-Making and Documentation section

Updated the IEP Team ESY Decision-Making and Documentation section of the IEP. When Yes is selected for the ESY (Extended School Year) checkbox, it will mark the ESY field in the Special Education Information profile once the IEP is finalized.

SPEDSM-41832IEP: IEP Team Meeting Participants

Updated the IEP Team Meeting Participants section of the IEP so that the General Education Teacher and Attending checkbox for the General Education Teacher fields are not required.

SPEDSM-32835IEP at a Glance

Updated the IEP at a Glance section on the IEP. If the "Suppress Printing this area" is selected for Service Chart/State Reporting, the data will no longer flow to the Service Delivery area on the IEP at a Glance. Additionally, the Service Delivery area will not appear in the printed IEP at a Glance when "Suppress Printing this area" is selected.

SPEDSM-33631Manifestation Determination Review

Updated the Manifestation Determination Review document and a non-lookup option is now available in the "Team Members Present" and "Dissenting Opinion Team Members" areas.

SPEDSM-42326Medicaid Consent for Info Release

Updated the Medicaid Consent for Info Release document to be sent to students aged 18 and older to be signed.

SPEDSM-40340PWN for Identification and Medicaid Consent for Info Release forms

Updated the PWN for Identification and Medicaid Consent for Info Release documents so that the Education Advocate can sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-43443RelatedServices keyword table
  • Marked "InUse= "No" for the following options within the RelatedServices keyword table, so they no longer appear when selecting services for students:
    • Art Therapy
    • Dance Movement Therapy
    • Diagnostic Medical
    • Mobility Assistance
    • Parent Counseling
    • Special Music Education
    • Rehabilitation Counseling
    • Recreation
    • Supplementary Service
    • Travel Training
    • Other
  • Changed the keyword "Special education transportation as related service as documented on the student's IEP" to "SPED Transportation."
  • Updated the order so that the services appear alphabetically in the list.
SPEDSM-35352Special Education Individual Student Data Sept. 1 Report

Fixed an issue on the Special Education Individual Student Data Sept. 1 Report so that if the Primary Service Location Indicator or Primary Provider Indicator is selected, a one (1) will appear. These fields will be blank if the fields are not selected.

SPEDSM-43046Single-Sign-On for Parents and Guardians

Added the Student Guardians profile so that Parents and Guardians can use the SSO functionality for Special Programs to access the Parent Portal. Also, added the StudentGuardian Import to the KSMODEL to pull in the login information for Parents and Guardians.

SPEDSM-43820StudentContact Import

Added the StudentContact Import to the KSMODEL to integrate Student Contact information in Special Programs from PowerSchool SIS.

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