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SPSM-KS_22.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 22, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-57161504 Plan

Updated the 504 Plan document so that parents can sign the document via Digital Signature.

SPEDSM-52591Excusal from Attendance at IEP Meetings document

Updated the Excusal from Attendance at IEP Meetings document so that the District Representative has a signature line and email address field. Additionally, the District Representative can sign the document electronically if Digital Signature or DocuSign is enabled.

SPEDSM-56911IEP , Considerations

Added a long text field to the Considerations section if Yes is selected for "Does the student need instruction in Braille or the use of Braille?". In addition, a prompt will state, If the IEP team has determined that Braille is not an appropriate method, provide the reason for not using Braille.

SPEDSM-55993IEP , Considerations

Added a long text field to the Considerations section. If Yes is selected for "Is the student an English Language Learner", then the field will display "Describe the language needs of the student as they relate to the IEP". Additionally, the text, If yes, the IEP team must consider the language needs that relate to this IEP has been removed.

SPEDSM-54392IEP , Considerations

Updated the Considerations section of the IEP so that when Yes is selected for “Does the student’s behavior impede the student’s learning or that of others,” you can select both checkboxes for Behavior Intervention Plan and Goals/Accommodations. Previously, you could select only one or the other.

SPEDSM-42835IEP , Cover Page

Updated the IEP Cover Page so that when copying the IEP from an IEP Revision, you can deselect the Amendment/Addendum box. Previously, when you copied the IEP from a revision IEP, the Amendment/Addendum box was not editable on the Cover Page.

SPEDSM-53529IEP , Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks

Updated the Area of Needs and Standards area of the Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section of the IEP so that if text is entered in either of the fields under Measurable Annual Goal, it will appear in both View and Print mode. Previously, regardless of whether text was entered in these fields or not, the Area of Needs and Standards would not appear in View or Print mode.

SPEDSM-56518IEP , IEP Team Meeting Participants

Added a required field for Person to Interpret Assessment Results to the IEP Team Meeting Participants section of the IEP. If an IEP is unfinalized after this field has been added, users will be required to add a Person to Interpret Assessment Results.

SPEDSM-57239IEP , Meeting Participants

Added a new area to the Meeting Participants section of the IEP to capture if students were invited to a meeting. This will be for students that are 13 or older and will be at least 14 years during the current IEP year. If Yes is selected to indicate the student was invited, there will be a date field and checkboxes for Written Notice of Meeting, Digital Invite, and In-Person invite to indicate how the student was invited to the meeting.

SPEDSM-57043IEP , Program Modifications and Supports

Updated the Program Modifications and Supports section of the IEP so that the section with the heading Supports for School Personnel has the following text added to it: Support must include a description of the frequency, location, and duration of each service/support listed.

SPEDSM-52201IEP, Assessments

Updated the Assessments section of the IEP so that the option for HGSS 6, 8, and 11 is removed when General Assessments is selected. Added an option for HGSS (grades 4, 7, and 11) when General Assessments is selected.

SPEDSM-56733Section 504 - Eligibility Document

Updated the parenthetical statement on the Section 504 Eligibility document above the Eligibility Determination area to state, If the answers to Questions 3 and 4 are both no, a 504 plan is not required, and the eligibility determination is automatically selected, dependent upon whether the student has a qualifying disability in Question 1. Also, updated the behavior so that if #3 and #4 are both no and #1 is no, Student is not eligible under Section 504 will be automatically checked. If #3 and #4 are both no and #1 is yes, The student has a qualifying disability under Section 504, but does not require a 504 Plan at this time will be automatically checked.

SPEDSM-56903Section 504 Eligibility Document

Removed the Follow-up Meeting Date field from appearing on the Section 504 Eligibility document. The field was unnecessary and confusing to users.

SPEDSM-56902Section 504 Profile

Added a field for “Date of Dismissal from 504 Plan” to the Section 504 section of the Student Profile. This will allow districts to capture when students are dismissed from their 504 plan.

SPEDSM-56811Section 504 Profile

Added an option to the Eligibility drop-down menu for Qualifying Disability, 504 Plan not needed. Updated the statement at the bottom of the section 504 profile from "Student is eligible under Section 504" to "Student has a 504 Plan". Also added an InUse column to the EligibilityStatus keyword table. Finally, added separate columns for Section 504 and Special Education to the EligibilityStatus keyword table so that you can customize the options you want in Section 504 and Special Education Information profiles. By default, Qualifying Disability, 504 Plan not needed is set to Yes only for the Section 504 profile. All other options are set to Yes for Section 504 and Special Education.

SPEDSM-57158SpEdProgram Keyword Table

Updated the SpEdProgram Keyword Table so that the InUse option is admin-editable. This allows administrators to change keywords in the SpEdProgram Keyword Table to not be in use if needed.

SPEDSM-56912Student Profile , Student Information

Added Private and Home School checkboxes to the Student Information section of the Student Profile. If Private School is selected, a lookup/non-lookup field will appear so that you can add the Private School location.

SPEDSM-57229Written Notice/Consent

Updated the Written Notice/Consent document so that parents can sign the document via Digital Signature.

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