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SPSM-KS_24.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 13, 2024



Release Note


Attended ESY previous summer field

Updated reports will now pull the new field "Attended ESY previous summer" instead of "Extended School Year.”


Authorization for Exchange of Information [AEI]

Corrected typos within this form.


Early Childhood Curricula

Added Early Childhood Curricula for Language.


Early Childhood Curricula

Added Early Childhood Curricula for Social Studies.


Early Childhood Curricula

Added Early Childhood Curricula for Science.


Evaluation Report

Updated the evaluation report headers to align with the evaluation consent.

Made the following changes:

  • Selection of Assessments

  • Summary of information provided by school staff

  • Removed the text box for Summary of Assessments and added the following:

    • Fine & Gross Motor

    • Social/Emotional/Behavioral/Adaptive

    • General Intelligence

    • Academic Performance

    • Speech & Language

    • Other


IEP Cover Page

Added a new field to the IEP Cover Page that appears if a student is marked as Gifted. This field is populated from the student's profile when the document is created.

To update this field after changes in the profile, navigate back to the profile and make the necessary updates. Then, click Update from Profile to reflect the changes on the IEP Cover Page.


IEP cover Page

Updates made on the IEP cover page:

  • The Dyslexia field has been converted to checkboxes for Yes and No. Since this is a required field, the user must select Yes or No to indicate whether the student is dyslexic.

  • This data will flow after the IEP is finalized to the Dyslexia field on the Student Information Profile and be checked if Yes is selected.


IEP Team Meeting Participants

Updated the IEP Team meeting participants table so only participants with Attendance selected will be printed as IEP participants.


Long text fields update

Updated the long text fields to now support image uploads. in the following documents:

  • Manifestation Determination Review [MADEREVIEW]

  • Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review [504Manifes]

  • Functional Behavior Assessment


PWN for Identification / Request for Consent [PWNId]

Updated the document so that more than one option could be selected for identification or eligibility.


Updated Section Property

Added the section property Require Completion Before Document Is Finalized (even though the section is editable afterward) to the following documents:

  • PWN for Termination of All Services [PWNREVALL]

  • PWN for Eval or Reeval / Request for Consent [PWNEvalRe]

  • PWN for Identification / Request for Consent [PWNId]

  • PWN for Termination of Particular Svcs/Placement [PWNREVPART]

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