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SPSM-MA_21.6.1.0 Release Notes

Massachusetts Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-44588504 Evaluation

Reformatted the Procedural Safeguard acknowledgment checkbox area. Added space to separate the "I have received a copy of Section 504 Notice of Procedural Safeguards" from the two consent checkboxes.

SPEDSM-41820504 Plan

The "LEA Representative” in the School Assurances section is now available via DocuSign. The LEA Rep date field is no longer editable as it is either signed via paper or via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-43700504 Plan and 504 Eligibility
  • Updated the 504 Plan to flow all selected values to "section B: Substantial Limitation data" from the most recently finalized "504 Eligibility form" regardless of copying from a previous 504 Plan. The Substantial Limitation checkboxes are now editable.
  • Updated the 504 Eligibility form to now print all unselected values in section 2: Major Life Activities.
SPEDSM-41594504 Profile and SIMS Report
  • Section 504 Profile
    • Updated the 504 Plan Status calculated field within the Section 504 profile.
      • The field will report a value of 00 if the student's section 504 exit date is less than 7/1/xx of the first day of the current school year (Globals).
      • The field will report a value of 00 if the student has a blank section 504 exit date.
      • The field will report a value of 01 if the student is Eligible under 504 (Student Is Eligible checkbox is selected).
      • The field will report a value of 02 when the student is Eligible under 504 (checkbox is selected), and the Section 504 Exit Date is on or before 1st of July (7/1/YY) of the first day of the current school year.
  • SIMS Report
    • Updated Field 39 - 504 Plan Status on the SIMS report to report the correct value from 504 Plan Status within Section 504 profile.
    • Updated three fields. Special Education Placement, ages 3-5, Special Education Placement, ages 6-21, and Special Education Nature of Primary Disability fields use the Count Date field in the Globals profile rather than use October Count Date Global date.
SPEDSM-40535Age of Majority

Added a form behavior option called "SignatureArea." When set to True, the signature area appears on the form. If DocuSign is enabled, the form will display the student/parent Will sign' area (currently available).

SPEDSM-17452Demographic Profile: Parent/Contacts
  • Updated the Unlimited Contacts script to clear out the four demographic parent/contacts and re-load them from the Student Contacts profile, thereby deleting any parent/contact removed from the PowerSchool SIS.
  • The phone numbers will now include a dash for formatting.
SPEDSM-43515Educational Assessment

The user can now create more than one form while other Educational Assessment forms are unfinalized.

SPEDSM-39797Evaluation Consent, IEP, and IEP Amendment Forms

Removed the checkboxes for Phone and Email within the Contact Information area. The user can now update the phone number and email address fields.

SPEDSM-33789Extended Evaluation Form
  • Added DocuSign for "Signature and Role of LEA Representative."

SPEDSM-37007Gifted Invitation Letter
  • Added DocuSign functionality. Added a form behavior option for admin to enable/disable DocuSign.
  • Repositioned the Date label and field at the top of the page.
  • Removed extra blank lines above the parent address to save spacing.
  • The “Location of meeting” field is now a required field.
  • Removed "Gifted Student" that appeared on the top of the page.
  • Removed the "For District Use only" area.
  • Using the Globals, Separate Letters option, when the value is selected and the parent/guardians reside at different addresses, the system will generate separate letters.
  • The system will print each parent/guardian's address information on the letter.
  • When creating a new IEP and using the Copy option, only the IEP form template will be available to be selected.
  • Fixed an issue where when the user creates a new IEP and copies information from a previous IEP, the system was not copying data from unselected sections, like Additional Information, into the new IEP form.
  • The 'Document Return Date' field is now read-only and will calculate 30 calendar days from the Notice Date on the Notice of Proposed Action section.
  • Modified the message on the Administrative Data Sheet page to "Student is 18 or older. Please check one item."
  • Removed the School Year label and drop-down value on the Measurable Annual Goals section.
  • The user is no longer required to click on the IEP at a Glance section to complete the form.
SPEDSM-40536IEP Amendment
  • The "Delivery Date" can now be the same as the "Amendment Date."
  • Changed the message within Administrative Data Sheet to "Student is 18 or over. Please check one box."
  • Updated the form options to allow file attachments.
  • Updated the "Date of Meeting" and "Type of Meeting" fields within the Administrative Data Sheet to be editable and will no longer allow users to copy data from previous IEP forms.
  • Updated the "Document Return Date" field within the Notice of Proposed Action section to be read-only and calculate 30 calendar days from the Notice Date.

Fixed an issue when a student's IEP includes PL1 3-5 and PL 6-21. The PL1 6-21 checkbox next to Parent Response does not appear in the PDF document when submitting via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-10426Notice of Proposed Action

Updated the document with the following changes:

  • When the student is 14 years or older as of the meeting date, the student's name will appear in the TO area.
  • When the "Generate Separate Letters" checkbox within Globals is selected, the system will generate a separate form for each parent/guardian if their addresses are different.
  • Updated the "Document Return Date" field to be read-only, calculate 30 straight days, and exclude holidays and weekends based on the Notice Date on the form.
  • Updated the "Enclosures" area to display the word "Other" and text in italics in View and Print modes.
  • Removed the two checkboxes within the Contact Information area. Users can update the Phone number and Email address fields.
SPEDDEV-19703PowerSchool SIS Integration: Student Import and Student Change Notification Import Layouts

Updated the two layouts. Changed Gender to integrate to PowerSchool Special Programs using the PowerSchool SIS field called "Gender," previously integrated from "Legal Gender."

SPEDSM-43512Profile Changes
  • Updated the following fields within Reporting Profile to display the code as well as its description:
    • DOE11
    • DOE12
    • DOE21
    • DOE13
    • DOE025
    • DOE026
    • DOE027
    • DOE32
    • DOE34
    • DOE36
    • DOE38
    • DOE40
  • Updated the following fields within Special Education Information Profile to display the code and its description:
    • DOE032
    • DOE034
SPEDSM-45499Reporting Profile: DOE021 and DOE025

Updated the values for DOE021 and DOE025 within the Reporting profile.

SPEDSM-43511SLD Determination

Removed the field requirement when checking Component 2 and Component 3 under the "Team Determinations of Eligibility" section in the SLD form.

SPEDSM-40527Special Ed Elig./Initial & Reeval Determination

Removed the prompt to create an SLD form when the student already has an SLD form.

SPEDSM-43215Form Translations

Updated the following forms fields to be translatable:

  • Invitation Letter
  • Evaluation Consent
  • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
  • Educational Assessment
  • 504 Eligibility
  • 504 Plan
  • 504 Manifestation
  • Notice of Intent to Reevaluate (Gifted)
  • Gifted Invitation Letter
  • Notice of Recommended Assignment (Gifted)
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