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SPSM-MA_24.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of release: August 19, 2024



Release Note


ELL Reports

Added the following reports to the Massachusetts state model:

  • PowerSchool ELL Report (S_MA_STU_DEMOGRAPHIC_X)

  • PowerSchool ELL Report (S_STU_X)


Evaluation Consent Form

The Evaluation Consent Form section now includes a new section to determine if parents require a translator or if written materials need translation.


IEP at a Glance

  • Added the following information to the IEP at a Glance section of the IEP document:

    • Goals

    • Service Delivery Grid 

    • Accommodations & Modifications

  • Modified the StaffRole keyword table to allow administrators to add custom keywords or rows.


Interpreter updates

Updated the following documents with district plans for interpretation and translation to align with the latest state documentation.

  • Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation

  • Meeting Invitation


Measurable Annual Goals

In the Measurable Annual Goals section of the IEP, users can now input multiple progress measurement methods and designate responsible persons for monitoring progress.


Numbered Annual Goals

Added a numbering system for the Measurable Annual Goals of a student for easier identification in cases where multiple goals for the same area are created.


Progress Report

Added a new feature that enables users to automatically add additional rows for reporting the progress made by the student, allowing for multiple progress information reports in the Final status.


Reporting update

Updated the Student Reporting Profile Import for the following fields:

  • DOE019 -Low-Income Status

  • DOE020 - Title I Participation

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