Model description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Manitoba (MB) provincial model and provides documentation to help you use this product.
Modules available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Document templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Document Templates.
The MB provincial model includes the following document templates:
Program Planning
Documented Adaptations - PPT (Stage 4)
Documented Adaptations-Teacher Exploration(Stage2)
Health/Emergency Care Plan Form
Referral for Services
Individual Program Plan
Request for a Team Meeting
Request for Alternate Formats (NSA and NSE)
Student Special Transportation Needs (Referral)
Request for Read-Aloud Adaptation for NSE (ENG 10)
Student Transition Plan (for students not on IPP)
Plan éducatif personnalisé
Reports/Transcripts (IPP)
IPP Annual Outcomes (to attach to HS Transcript)
IPP - High School Work Placement Record
Individual Program Plan Report [New]
School Counselling Record
Referral for School Counselling Services
School Counselling Case Notes
School Counselling Activity Log
Referral Form
Baseline, Monitoring, and Closing Form
Intake Form
Comprehensive Service Plan
Transfer Form
Case Notes
SP Facilitator Case Notes
Consent for Participation
Additional Programming Information
Programming Document
Annual Student Programming Log
Confidential Record - APSEA
APSEA Assessment Report
Confidential Record - Meeting Minutes
Student Meeting Minutes
Confidential Record - Other (2010-11 to 2014-15)
Confidential Document
Confidential Record - School/Board Documents
Assistive Technology
Autism Spectrum Disorder (School/Board)
Behavioral Report
Consent Forms & Information Sharing Forms
Level A & B Assessment Report
Nursing Progress Notes
Psycho-Educational (School/Board)
Severe Learning Disability
Speech Language Pathology (School/Board)
Suspension (Greater than 10 Days)
Confidential Record - External Documents
Autism Spectrum Disorder (External)
Community Services
Early Intervention
Justice (Other than YCJA File)
Medical/Physical Health
Mental Health & Addictions
Physio & OT Report
Psycho-Educational (External)
Speech Language Pathology (External)
Vision & Hearing Report
Profile types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, then Profile Types.
The MB provincial model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Core Component Analysis Profile
Core Component Analysis Profile
Alternate Staff Locations
School Meeting Minute Profile
School Meeting Minute Profile
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
General Demographics/Parent Guardian Information
Program Information
Emergency Contact Information
Diagnosis/Disorders Information
School Counselling Information
Students - Other
Annual Outcomes
Contact Records
Document Delivery
IPPReview Dates
Services Data
Model reports
The MB provincial model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports.
Documented Adaptations (Teacher Exploration)
Read-Aloud Adaptation Requests
Students with Adaptations (Both TE and PPT)
Test (Request for Team Meeting)
Additional Programming Documents
Annual Programming Logs
Confidential Documents
Health/Emergency Care Plan Documents
Incomplete (Not Finalized) Service Referrals
Referral for Services Documents
Request for Team Meetings
School Counselling Activity Log
School Counselling Case Notes
School Counselling Services Referrals
School Counselling Services Referrals For GC
School Meeting Minutes
Special Transportation Needs
Students with Transition Plan (Non-IPP)
DOE Reports
DOE-Direct Services Rpt (Principal-approved IPPs)
DOE Support
Current Read-Aloud Adaptations (TE and PPT)
IPP Reports With No Reporting Period Selected
IPPs by Academic Year
SchoolsPlus Staff Troubleshooting
SchoolsPlus Statistics
SchoolsPlus Troubleshooting
Imported Reports
Class Roster Report
Class Student Roster
Placement Data 2012-2013
Test Teacher Access
IPP / IPP Report Cross Reference
IPP Reports (By Reporting Period)
IPPs by School and Academic Year
Principal-approved IPPs with Ancestry
Students with Incomplete Transition Planning (IPP)
Students with Transition Plan (IPP)
PowerSchool Exports
Rapports pour le CSAP
Adaptations - explorées par l'enseignant
Adaptations consignées dans le dossier - EPP
Besoins spéciaux de l'élève pour le transport
Besoins spéciaux de l'élève pour le transport - AP
Compte rendu
Compte rendu de la réunion CADRE
Consentement à la participation pour ÉcolesPlus
Demande de réunion de l'équipe
Élèves avec adaptations (les deux types)
En vrac - Rapport sur le PPI pour la période 1
En vrac - Rapport sur le PPI pour la période 2
En vrac - Rapport sur le PPI pour la période 3
En vrac - Rapport sur le PPI pour la période 4
État des services
État du service (par type de service)
État du service (tous les services)
Formulaire de renvoi ÉcolesPlus
Informations sur les diagnostics / troubles
La planification des transitions du PPI completée
La planification des transitions du PPI incomplète
MÉNÉ - Rapport des services directs (PPI)
Plan de transition (sans PPI) completés
Plan de transition (sans PPI) incomplets
Plans de soins - préparation pour l'an prochain
Plans de soins de santé/de soins en cas d'urgence
PPI / le rapport sur PPI correspondant
PPI par école et l'année scolaire
Rapport sur le PPI (par période pour les rapports)
Rapports mensuel de l'animateur ÉcolesPlus
Rapports sur le PPI sans période pour les rapports
Renvoi auprès de services spécialisés incomplets
Renvoi auprès des services de counselling
Renvoi(s) auprès de services spécialisés (NR)
Statistiques ÉcolesPlus
Core Component Analysis By Location
SchoolsPlus Consent
SchoolsPlus Facilitator Monthly Reports
SchoolsPlus Monthly Report Calculations
SchoolsPlus Referrals
Summary of SP Facilitator Monthly Reports (Board)
Summary of SP Facilitator Monthly Reports (Prov)
Summary of SP Intake Forms (Board)
Summary of SP Intake Forms (Prov)
Summary of SP Referral Forms (Board)
Summary of SP Referral Forms (Prov)
Staff Listing By Role/Position
Student Profile
Diagnosis/Disorders Information
Outstanding Service Referrals - By Service Type
Status of Services (All Services)
Status of Services - By Service Type
Status of Services [Multi]
Status of Services [Multi] - All Years
Student Service Status and Notes
Students with Incomplete Documents
Students With Unfinalized Documents
Year End Processing
Documented Adaptations (TE) - Year-End
Public Student Reports
All Students
Test SP Count
Unfinalize Flag
Public Staff Reports
Test SP Calculated Fields
Public Service Data Reports
Services Discontinued for EOY Process
Public Caseload Reports
Caseload Report
Public Document Reports
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports.
DOE Reports
Direct Services Report
Indirect Services Report
SchoolsPlus Statistics Report
Adaptation by Category
Diagnosis by Grade
Keyword tables
From the main menu, select Administration, select Configuration, and then select Keyword Tables.
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons, etc.
System administrators cannot edit fields required for state reporting in the state reporting profiles.
System administrators can edit keyword tables that are not required for state reporting.
The MB provincial model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
Aboriginal | List of Aboriginal Choices |
AdaptationReviewResults | Adaptation Review Results (Continue/Discontinue) |
AIOFocusOutcomes | AIO Focus Outcomes Type |
AIOProgress | AIO Student Progress |
AIOSubFocus | AIO Sub Focus (Numeracy, Literacy) |
AlternateWorksAtEnum | Alternate Works At Enumerator |
Ancestry | Contains a list of Ancestry choices. |
AuthorType | Author Types for Adaptations |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
ClassYearStatus | Contains values 'past,' 'current,' and 'future.' Used for classes. |
ContactMethod | Contact Method |
CounsProgLogType | Counseling Program Log Types |
CounsRefStatusDecision | Counselling Referral Status Decisions |
CounsRelationship | Referral for School Counselling Services Relationships |
CounsUrgency | Urgency values for Counselling Referral Forms. |
CSPActions | Actions for Action Plan of SchoolsPlus CSP Form. |
DeliveryMethod | Delivery Method |
DevelopProgress | Developmental grade scale |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis / Disorder Codes |
EvaluationProcedure | Evaluation Procedure |
FirstNation | Contains a list of First Nation |
FocusOfInstruction | Focus of Instruction |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
HealthCareChoice | Health Care Plan Choices |
Language | Contains a list of languages |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeetingPurposes | List of purposes to hold a meeting for meeting minutes form. |
MeetingTypeChoice | Contains the meeting types |
MeetMinType | Meeting Minutes Type |
Month | Months |
OpenIDValue | Open ID Values |
ParentRatings | Parent Involvement Ratings |
ParentResponse | Consent Status |
PhoneType | Telephone Types |
PreferredContact | Preferred Contacts for SchoolsPlus Intake Form |
Program | Program Types |
ProgrammingLogType | Type of Programming Log Entry |
ReferralReasons | Referral Reasons for Referral for School Counselling Services form. |
ReferredBy | Referred By values for Referral Source in Referral for School Counselling Services form. |
Relationship | Emergency Contact relationships |
ReportPeriod | Reporting Periods |
Roles | User Roles in TIENET |
SchoolsPlusPosition | Positions for SchoolsPlus Monthly Facilitator report |
SchoolsPlusStatus | Status for SchoolsPlus |
SchoolYears | School Years for Reporting Parameters |
ServiceReportStatus | Service Report / Recommendation Status |
ServicesTable | List of Services |
ServiceStatus | The various Status stages for Services |
ServiceType | Type of Service (Direct / Indirect) |
SexTable | Contains an entry for each sex. |
SP_AchieveOutcomes | Values for Schools Plus Achievement of Expected Learning Outcomes |
SP_Engagement | Schools Plus Engagement Level |
SpecificAdaptations | Specific Adaptation Types |
SPReferralSource | Schools Plus Referral Source(s) |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
StudentProgress | Student Progress for IPP Report |
Timeframe | Timeframe |
TranscriptYears | Years of High School Transcripts |
Years | Years |
YesNoNA | Yes, No, NA is used when 3 choices are required. |
Special features
The following special features enhance the overall MB provincial model:
Revision feature
Active Document
Document Delivery
Contact Log
Goal Wizard
Transfer Package