Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Maryland (MD) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When a Software menu path appears in a section, you can navigate to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Document Templates
The MD state model includes the following documents:
Parent Letter for Intervention (Entrance)
Parent /Guardian Invite High School
Student Interview (For Students 10 & Older)
Parent /Guardian Invite Elem & MS
Student Observation Form (RTI)
Developmental & Social History
Group Instruction Plan Record
Individual Instruction Plan
Tier III Meeting Request
Initial Tier III Meeting Summary
Tier III Instructional Plan
Parent Letter Intervention (Exit)
Referral Process
Notices and Letters
Date Consent Granted
Meeting Process
Notice of Documents Provided for Parent Review
Informed Consent for Termination of Special Ed
Termination of Eligibility
Authorization for Release/ Exchange of Information
Comprehensive Evaluation Review
60-Day Timeline Exception
Academic Assessment Report
Adapted Physical Education Assessment Report
Assessment Observation Checklists
Assessment Observations
Assistive Technology Assessment Report
Assistive Technology Process
Bilingual Academic Assessment Report
Bilingual Communication Assessment Report
Communication Assessment Report
Functional Life Skills Assessment Report
Occupational Therapy Assessment Report
Orientation and Mobility Assessment Report
Physical Therapy Assessment Report
Psychological Assessment Report
Vision Assessment Report
Vocational Skills Assessment Report
Special Education
State IEP
Maryland Summary of Performance
Extended School Year Process
Student IEP Information
Documentation of Comparable Services
Section 504
Written Notice/Consent
Parents Rights
Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation
Section 504 - Eligibility
Section 504 - Plan
Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
Permission to Evaluate - Gifted
Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting
Notice of Recommended Assignment
Gifted Written Report (GWR)
Notice of Intent to Reevaluate
ELL Home Language Survey
Placement Forms
ELL Standardized Testing Accommodations
Non-Public Referral Process
Service Plan
IFSP Assessment Report
Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Exit Document
Extended Individualized Family Service Plan Option
Transition from Part C to B
Functional Behavior Assessment Process
Manifestation Meeting Process
Behavior Intervention Plan
Documentation of Student Restraint
A-B-C Data Sheet
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Profile Types
The MD state model includes the following profiles:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Time Units/Conversions
Last Year
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
Alternate Staff Locations
Contact Info
Participation in District/Statewide Assessments
Accessibility Features and Accommodations
Supplementary Aids, Services, and Program Mods
Assistive Technology
Early Childhood
Section 504
ELL Student Demographics/Academic History
Student ELL/ESOL Data
ELL Testing Profile
RTI - Grades
Students - Other
Areas Of Concern
Document Delivery
Elem Grades
Admin Services
Model Reports
The MD state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports
Annual Review Compliance (stop light)
Facilitator--SSIS Data Management
Missing SSIS Part 1
Missing SSIS Part 1 Private/Parochial
Graduating Seniors (Diploma, Certificate, Age 21)
Seniors (12th graders) Copy
Seniors (Anticipated exit current school year)
Totals - Cert Students Active in SpEd - Details
Totals - NP Students Active in SpEd - Details
Totals - Students Active in Special Ed - Details
Totals--active in special ed
Totals--active in special ed by Gender
Totals--active in special ed by schooltype
Totals--active in special ed Elementary
Totals--active in special ed High Roads Type II
Management Reports
Disability/Grade/Case Manager
Status of Non-Public Meeting Documents
Status of Non-Public Referrals
Multi-dimensional Reporting
Disability by Grade
Disability by Grade K-12 only
Disability by LRE
PowerSchool SIS Export
SSIS Reports (June)
Anticipated Services C--June
Anticipated Services D--June
Anticipated Services E--June
Non-Public Schools
Rules For June Exit file
Services Report--June (new child profile)
SSIS COS Layout--June
SSIS Student Record Layout--June
Supplementary SSIS--June
SSIS Reports (October)
Anticipated Services C
Anticipated Services D
Anticipated Services E
Duration End (or AnnRevDue)
Duration End Dates
Missing SSIS Data -- MIDDLE Total
Missing SSIS Data -- HIGH Total
Missing SSIS Data -- SPECIAL CENTERS Total
Missing SSIS Data --ELEMENTARY Total
Services Report--October (new child profile)
SSIS Student Record Layout
Supplementary Services
Supplementary SSIS
Totals--active in special education
Totals--active in special education April 2008
TIENET Office only
Missing Special Ed Exit Date or Reason
Public Student Reports
7th Graders/SLD
Eligibility Category by Ethnicity
Eligibility Category by Grade
Eligibility Category by Sex
IEP Workflow Compliance
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation
Jackie's IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
Jackie's IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation
PowerSchool Alert Export
SSIS COS Layout--October
Students Exit from Special Education
Timeframe Between Evaluation and Identification
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports
The MD state model does not include any Advanced Reports.
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons and so on.
Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.
The system administrator can edit those keyword tables not required for state reporting.
The MD state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
AcadArea | Area Assessed for Academic Assessment Reports |
AcademicAchievement | Academic Achievement |
AcadInformalInst | Academic Informal Assessment Instruments |
AcadInformalSubtest | Academic Informal Assessment Subtest |
AcadInstrument | Instrument for Academic Assessment Reviews |
AcadSubtest | Subtest for Academic Assessment Reviews |
AcuityOD | Acuity values for Visiion Assessment Report |
AcuityOS | Acuity values for Vision Assessment Reports |
AcuityOU | Acuity for Vision Assessment Report |
AddendumArea | Areas for IEP Addendums |
AdditlProperties | Contains an entry for each additional property of a record in a record list. |
AdultServiceTable | Adult Service Agencies. |
AgeGroup | Ages 3-5 and 6-21 |
AgeGroup2 | Built to be used in the transition from in the IEP documents, gives a list of ages during high school years |
AgencyListTable | List of agencies providing services/Providers for Service Lines |
AgencyPartTable | Agency list for the Consent for Agency Participation. |
AgeToGradeConvTable | This is a table showing the grade an Ungraded student should be assigned for state reporting based on the student's age. |
AnticipatedSvcsTable | Anticipate services table. |
APEArea | Adaptive Physical Ed Assessment Areas |
APEInstrument | Instrument for APE Assessment Report |
APESubtest | Subtests for APE Assessment Report |
ApprovedOrProposed | Contains the selections "proposed" and "approved". |
AssessmentTypeTable | Assessment types. |
AssistTechLoanItems | Assistive Technology Loan Items |
AssistTechLoanTo | Assistive Technology Loan given to |
Asst_Tech_Loc_Phone | Dropdown for Assistive Technology Loan Agreement. Shows equipment location and phone in one field. This was requested because profile location and associated phone are not usually the phone number necessaty for this document. |
AT_Interventions | Assistive Technology Interventions. |
ATArea | Area for Assistive Technology Assessment Review |
ATInstrument | Instrument for the Assistive Technology Assessment Review |
ATProvider | Assistive Technology Providers table |
AtRiskTypeTable | Contains the types of at risk service. |
AtRiskValueTable | Contains the possible values of at risk service. |
ATSubtest | Subtest for the Assistive Technology Assessment Report |
ATType | Assistive Technology Type |
BehaviorConcernNeeds | Behavior concern needs a table for the fade plan |
BillingStatusTable | Delineates the possible billing status of service records. |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
CategoryOfExit | Graduation exit category. |
CBSDisposition | Community-based student Dispositions |
CBSProgram | Community-based student programs |
Certifications | Contains every certification used by the district. |
ChildCount | Choices of Child Count Eligibility |
ClassroomSupportNeed | Classroom support needs a table for the fade plan |
ClassTypeTable | Indicates all the class types used in a district. This includes (but is not limited to) mainstream, bilingual, basic skills, and special education class types. |
ComArea | Area Assessed for Communication Assessment Report |
ComInstrument | Instrument for Communications Assessment Report |
CommInformalInst | Communication Assessment Instruments |
CommInformalSubtest | Communication Informal Assessment Subtest |
ComSubtest | Subtest for Communications Assessment Report |
COSType | COS Type |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students). |
CountyTable | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
CoursesOfStudy | Contains a list of subject areas for AACPS Course of Study and Baltimore County Public Schools |
Current_Previous | Current_Previous |
Curriculum | Curriculum |
dailyHoursContact | daily Hours of Contact |
DelayReason | Reason for Delay |
DiagnosisCodeTable | Delineates diagnosis codes for service providers. |
DiagnosisTable | Diagnosis keywords. |
DirectSupport | Direct support options for fade plan. |
DirectSupportBehav | behavior concerns direct support options for fade plan document |
Distr_LocationTypes | Contains an entry for each district/location type (ie. "Local Education Agency" or "Regional Day School"). |
DomainArea | Domain/Area for Student Evaluation Plan |
Duration | For the Duration of Interventions or Services |
Educationeivel | Levels of education |
EducPlanWaiverTable | Contains an entry for each educational plan waiver (ie. length of academic day) used in the district. |
EligibilityCatgories | Contains the special education eligibility categories. |
ELLTier | Tiers for ELL |
EmergEvacAccom | Specific Accomodation |
EmploymentStatusTab | Delineates possible employment status options. |
EnvironmentTabl | Contains a list of environments in which special education services are provided. |
ESOLAltProgram | ESOL Alternative Programs |
ESOLEngProf | ESOL English Proficiency |
ESY_ProgramTypeTable | Extended School Year program types. |
ESYTable | Contains options for an extended school year. |
EtiologyTable | Etiology keywords. |
EvaluationMethod | Evaluation method for goals. |
EvaluationTool | Evaluation Tool |
EvaluationType | Evaluation type method (e.g., % accuracy, % decrease). |
Exemptions | Exemptions/Excuses for Statewide tests |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
Five04Disability | 504 Disability |
FrequencyPlanRTI | Frequentains an entry for each field which might appear in the grid. |
FundingAgencies | Funding Agencies for Non-public IEP |
FundingType | Contains an entry for each type of funding used by the district. |
GenPurpClasses | Supports the "Classes" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report". Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
nPurpDistricts | Supports the "Districts" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report". Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpLocations | Supports the "Locations" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report". Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpPersonnel | Supports the "Personnel" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report". Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpStudents | Supports the "Students" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report". Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GoalConditions | Conditions for IEP Goals |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
GuardianDocumentReciept | How would the guardian like to receive documents |
GuardianRlationTable | Contains an entry for each type of guardian a student may have. |
HomeInstructionBy | Contains an entry for each entity that can place a student on home instruction. |
ICDNumber | Contains ICD number for Medicaid Billing |
IDEAEligibilityTable | IDEA Eligibilities |
IEPReasons | Contains an entry for each reason for performing a special education evaluation of a student. |
IEPTypeTable | Contains the types of IEPs. |
Independent | Independent options for fade plan |
IndependentSelf | independent keyword table for the self-help concerns form |
IndirectSupport | Indirect support options for the fade plan. |
IndirectSupportSelf | indirect support table for self-help form |
InDistMunicipalities | Contains the names of all the constituent municipalities of the district. |
InstModel | Model of Instruction |
InstructionSettings | Contains an entry for each instructional setting (ie. self-contained). |
IntellectualDevelopment | Intellectual Development |
Interventions | Interventions Attempted |
IsIsNotTable | Is/Is Not |
Lang_Instr_Testing | Contains an entry for each language of instruction or for testing recognized by the state. |
language | language |
LanguageAreasTable | Language areas affected by disability. |
LetterGrade | Letter grades. |
LifeArea | Area for Functional Life Skills Assessment Review |
LifeInstrument | Instrument for Functional Life Skills Assessment Report |
LifeSubtest | Subtest for Functional Life Skills Assessment Report |
LRE_Settings | Least Restrictive Environment Settings |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeetingPurpose | Meeting Purpose |
MeetingPurpose504 | Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation |
Modifications | Modifications table. |
Motor | Motor |
MotorAreasTable | Motor areas affected by disability. |
MultDisabilities | MultipleDisabilities |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
NatureOfServices | A list of the services provided (see Special Education and Related Services section of IEP) |
OperatingTypeTable | Contains an entry for each state-recognized district operating type. |
OTArea | Area Assessed for OT Assessment Report |
OTInstrument | An Instrument for OT Assessment Report |
OTSubtest | Subtest for OT Assessment Report |
PARCCSections3_8 | PARCC sections for grades 3 to 8 |
ParticipTestSections | Multivalue for sections of Assessments students will participate in. |
PerformanceBehavior | Performance Behavioral |
PerformanceMath | Class Performance in Math |
PerformanceReading | Classroom Performance: Reading |
PerformanceWritten | Class Performance in Written Language |
PersonnelPositions | Contains an entry for each position an employee may have. |
PhoneTypeTable | Contains an entry for each possible phone number type. |
PLOP_Areas | Present levels of performance areas. |
Presentation_ELL | Presentation Accommodations |
PrognosisTable | Prognosis keywords. |
ProgramTable | Contains an entry for every program. This includes special education, bilingual, basic skills and mainstream programs. |
ProgressCode | Progress toward objective |
ProgressIndicators | Progress Indicators |
ProgressMonitoringSchedule | Progress Monitoring Schedule Choices |
ProviderTable | Contains an admin-editable list of service providers and agency |
PsychArea | Area for Psychological Assessment Report |
PsychIndex | Index for Psychological Assessment Report |
PsychInstrument | Instrument for Psychological Assessment Report |
PTArea | Area for PT Assessment Report |
PTInstrument | Instrument for PT Assessment Report |
PTSubtest | Subtest for PT Assessment Report |
RaceTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
RelativeSameAgePeers | Development Relative to Same-Age Peers |
Response_ELL | ELL Response Accommodations |
ReviewCodes | Lists review codes available on the FBA Behavioral Intervention Plan Form. |
RTIGroupNamesTable | RTI Group Names Table |
SchoolKindTable | Contains an entry for each "kind" (ie. Public) of school. |
schoollevel | School Level |
SchoolTypeTable | Contains school types for AACPS. |
SCIncomplete | Reasons why a service wasn't given. |
SCLocation | Location of service for Service Capture |
SCProvider | Provider of Service for Service Capture |
SCServiceType | Type of Service for Service Capture |
SCTherapy | Type of therapy for Service Capture |
SelfHelpConcerns | Self-help concerns table for the fade plan |
ServiceCodeTable | Lists all specific service codes for Medicaid services. |
ServicesTable | Contains an entry for every service (related, supportive, etc) recognized by the state. |
Setting_ELL | ELL Setting Accommodations |
Source | Sources for Documentation Items |
Sp_Ed_Div_Location | Keywords for Assistive Technology Equipment Loan document for 'Location' under 'Division of Special Education agrees to:' |
Sp_Ed_Div_Phone | Keywords for Assistive Technology Equipment Loan document for 'Phone' under 'Division of Special Education agrees to:' |
SpecEdPgmType | Special Education Program Type |
SpEdEventsTable | Contains an entry for any special education 'item' which needs tracking. Used to define entries for multi-value fields. |
SpedPlacWaiverTable | Contains an entry for each waiver that might be used to allow a student into a special education program. |
SpEdSubjectTable | Subjects for Special Education and Related Service. |
SpeechAreasTable | Speech areas affected by disability. |
SpeechTable | Speech |
SpokenLanguage | Spoken Language |
SSIS_LeaveCodes | SSIS Leave Codes. |
SSIS_Status | SSIS Status of the student. |
StaffPositions | Contains an entry for each position a staff may have. |
StateAssessment | State assessments |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
StatewideTests | StatewideTests |
StatewideTestTable | Contains a list of statewide tests. |
Strategies | Strategies |
SubtestCOGAT | SubtestCOGAT |
SubtestEOCT | SubtestEOCT |
SubtestGHSGT | SubtestGHSGT |
SubtestGHSWT | SubtestGHSWT |
SubtestITBS | SubtestITBS |
SubtestITBS_GAKIDS | SubtestITBS and GAKIDS |
SuppAidsCategoriesTable | The categories into which supplemental aids and services are divided. |
SupplementaryService | Supplementary Service Natures |
SupportedRpts_Scrpts | Contains an entry for all reports (state or otherwise) & scripts supported by this structure. |
SupportLevels | Supports |
TeacherArea_JobCodes | Contains an entry for each teacher position recognized by the state. |
TeamMemberPositions | Contains an entry for each position on a special education team. This includes child study, evaluation & IEP conference teams. |
TestEvaluationType | Contains an entry for the evaluation type/method (ie. registered holistic scoring) of a given test. Each test is evaluated by a method from this table and yields a score (see the 'ScoreTypeTable' table). |
TestExemptions | Selections for testing exemptions. |
Tests_ELL | ELL Tests |
TestTable | The assessment instruments used and their properties. |
TimeInSchool | For Total Time In School on IEP |
TimeOfDayTable | Time of day table. |
TimeTable | Contains an entry for each possible amount of time (ie full time) a student can be enrolled, placed etc. |
TimingScheduling_ELL | Timing Scheduling for ELL |
TransitionsNeeds | Transition identified needs table in fade plan |
VerbatimReadingInterventions | Verbatim Reading Interventions |
VisualAcuityTable | Visual acuity keywords. |
VisualFunctioningLvl | Visual functioning level table. |
VocationalArea | Area for Vocational Assessment Report |
VocationalInstrument | Instrument for Vocational Assessment Report |
VocationalSubtest | Subtest for Vocational Assessment Report |
YearPlan | YearPlan |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall MD state model:
State Standards
Revision Feature
Active Document
Program Icons/Flags
IEP at a Glance
Document Delivery
Contact Log
DocuSign (limited documents)
Transfer Package