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SPSM-MD_21.12.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date:  22nd December, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-4951160-Day Timeline Exception document
  • Configured the 60-Day Timeline Exception document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature: 
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured the following participants for DocuSign and Digital Signature:
    • Administrator/Designee
    • Special Educator
    • Other Staff
      • Added lookup/non-lookup to this field.
SPEDSM-49512Assistive Technology Process document
  • Updated the Assistive Technology Process document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured the Evaluator so that they can sign via DocuSign or Digital Signature. Added a non-lookup to the Evaluator field as well.
SPEDSM-49508Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information document
  • Updated the Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information so the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured Parent 4 so that DocuSign can be utilized.
SPEDSM-49509Comprehensive Evaluation Review document
  • Configured the Comprehensive Evaluation Review document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured the following participants to sign via DocuSign or Digital Signature:
    • Administrator/Designee
    • Special Educator
    • General Educator
    • Any staff added via the repeating row. The repeating row is optional.
SPEDSM-49514Documentation of Comparable Services document
  • Configured the Documentation of Comparable Services document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured Parent 4 to sign the document via DocuSign.
SPEDSM-49507Informed Consent for Termination of Special Education Services document
  • Configured the Informed Consent for Termination of Special Education Services document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Student
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
    • Administrator/Designee
  • Configured Parent 4 so they can sign via DocuSign.
SPEDSM-47113IS_504 Flag

Updated the calculation for the IS_504 flag so that it no longer looks to see if the Section504MeetingDate is 364 days or less from the Section 504 Meeting Date. Instead, the calculation will look to see if Determ_CB1 is True.

SPEDSM-49518Manifestation Determination Review document

Configured the Manifestation Determination Review document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:

  • Section 504 Coordinator or Designee
  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-49521Manifestation Meeting Process Setup document

Configured the Manifestation Meeting Process Setup document so that the following participants can sign via DocuSign or Digital Signature:

  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-49506Meeting Process document

Configured the Meeting Process document for  Digital Signature so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:

  • Student
  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
  • Any participants added in the Meeting Attendees section.
SPEDSM-49519Non-Public Referral Process document

Configured the Non-Public Referral Process document so that so the following participants can sign the document via DocuSign or Digital Signature:

  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-49517Section 504 - Auth for Release/Exchange of Info

Updated the Section 504 - Auth for Release/Exchange of Info so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:

  • Student
  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-49516Section 504 - Plan document

Updated the Section 504 - Plan document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:

  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-47543Section 504 - Plan document

Fixed an issue within the Section 504 - Plan document so that the checkboxes under “Consent to Implement” are editable. Previously, the checkboxes in the Section 504 Plan document were not editable.

SPEDSM-47149Section 504 Plan document

Updated the Section 504 Plan document so that all field values can be translated to Spanish.

SPEDSM-46927Section 504 Plan document

Removed the 504 Disability label from appearing in the Section 504 Plan document if the field is empty.

SPEDSM-47147SSO for Parents/Guardians

Added the Student Guardians profile to the Student Profile to allow the system to capture Parents/Guardians SSO information and users to utilize the SSO functionality.

SPEDSM-49513State IEP document

Configured the State IEP so that the following participants can sign the document via DocuSign and Digital Signature:

  • Student
  • Parent 1
  • Parent 2
  • Parent 3
  • Parent 4
SPEDSM-47152Student Profile > Contact Info

Fixed an issue within the Contact Info section where changes in the Student Contacts would not reflect in the Student Profile. The property of the Update Script “COPY_STUDENT_CONTACTS_INTO_STUDENTS” is now set to Allow ADMIN to Override Schedule. Admins can now configure schedules to run this script and update the Contact Info.

SPEDSM-46929Student Profile: Placement

Updated the Jurisdiction Financially Responsible {FinancResponsCount} on the Placement section of the Student Profile so that it doesn’t default to a particular district.

SPEDSM-49520Transition from Part C to B document
  • Configured the Transition from Part C to B document so that the following participants can sign the document via DocuSign or Digital Signature:
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
    • Service Coordinator
    • Other Participant/Agency
  • Added a lookup/non-lookup option for the Service Coordinator and both Other Participant/Agency fields.
SPEDSM-49515Written Notice/Consent document
  • Updated the Written Notice/Consent document so that the following participants can sign the document via Digital Signature:
    • Parent 1
    • Parent 2
    • Parent 3
    • Parent 4
  • Configured the Student so that they may sign via DocuSign or Digital Signature.
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