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SPSM-MD_24.6.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: June 13, 2024



Release Note


Document: Maryland Summary of Performance [MSOP]: Updated accommodations

Updated the Maryland Summary of Performance [MSOP] as per the latest recommendations in the Maryland Assessment, Accessibility, & Accommodations Manual.


Document: Section 504 Plan: Updated accommodations

Updates to the Accommodations in the Section 504 Plan.


Document: State IEP: Updated accommodations

Updated the IEP document to include new accommodations based on the Maryland Assessment, Accessibility, & Accommodations Manual. The update involves adding changes to the section titled Instructional and Assessment Accessibility Features.


Document: Student IEP Information [IEPINFO]: Updated accommodations

Updated the Student IEP Information [IEPINFO] as per the latest recommendations in the Maryland Assessment, Accessibility, & Accommodations Manual.


Maryland Summary of Performance [MSOP]

Updated the Maryland Summary of Performance [MSOP] to align with the changes in the State IEP. Changes were made to the following areas:

  • Maryland Summary of Performance section

  • High School MCAP assessments

  • Alternate Assessment section


Participation in District/Statewide Assessments: Profile

Updated the profile in the Participation in District/Statewide Assessments section to mirror the accommodation changes in the State IEP document.


Maryland Individualized Education Program [MDIEP]

Updated the Maryland IEP [MDIEP] to align with MSDE requirements for the State IEP.

Users should be able to view the updated State IEP in the MDMODEL to complete the form accurately. Changes were made to the following areas:

  • Cover sheet section

  • District/statewide assessments section

  • Performance summary section

  • Alternate assessments section

  • High school MCAP assessments

  • Interests and Preferences section

  • Transition activities section

  • Special considerations and accommodations section - communication

  • Instructional and assessment accessibility features

  • New keyword tables to child count eligibility codes

  • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) decision making & placement summary

  • Consideration of transportation needs

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