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SPSM-MI_21.10.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: October 29, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-49647504 Plan Document

Fixed a typo.

SPEDSM-49323CEPI Early On report
  • Changed the following CEPI reports to meet state guidelines:
    • CEPI By Location SP_2021
    • CEPI Early On SP_2021
    • CEPI SP_2021
  • Removed the following "Personal Demographics" fields from the reports and schema:
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code
    • Phone Number
  • Added the following “Contacts” fields:
    • Element
    • Address Type
    • Street Number and Name
    • Apartment Room or Suite Number
    • City
    • State Abbreviation
    • Postal Code
    • Telephone Number
  • Removed the following "Part B Referral" fields from the CEPI Early On SP_2021 report and schema:
    • Parent Street Address
    • Parent Street Address 2     
    • Parent City
    • Parent State
    • Parent Zip Code
    • Parent Phone Number
SPEDSM-43166CEPI Early On report

Fixed an issue where the CEPI Early On report included all inactive students. The report now contains the correct reportable CEPI Early On students only.

SPEDSM-48636Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature to the following documents:

  • Agreement to Extend Eval Timeline
  • Birth to 3 IFSP
  • Consent to Invite Community Agencies
  • Early On Auth to Share Info
  • Early On Consent to Evaluate
  • IEP Excusal
  • Individualized Education Program
  • K-12 Nonpublic Service Plan
  • Parent Notification and Consent for Medicaid
  • Release of Information document
  • Revocation of Notice of Cessation
  • Section 504 - Plan
  • Section 504 - Manifestation of Determination Review

Note: Digital Signature will only be available to School Districts that have purchased it.

           If you are interested, please contact your sales representative.

SPEDSM-49713EducationSettings keyword table

Added a new EducationSettings Value to the EducationSettings keyword table.

Field NameValue
Description14 - (Age 16-17) Transitional Program
SPEDSM-46063Grade Table keyword table

Removed Pre-Kindergarten from the Grade Table keyword table since it is not a reportable grade for state reporting.

SPEDSM-50572Parent Notification and Consent for Medicaid

Changed the pronoun in the consent text above the Parent/Guardian signature.
Before: ..... provided on or after your signature date.
Now: ..... provided on or after my signature date.

SPEDSM-50240Service Record

Updated the Service Type constraint list by including additional service type codes provided by state users. If a user selects a service type listed in the constraint, the following fields will be required:

  • Service Start Time
  • Duration Minutes
  • Group Size
  • Progress Report
  • Provider Notes
  • Areas Cover/Assessed
SPEDSM-47953Student Profile: Early On Eligibility section

Fixed an issue where the Most Recent Periodic Review date would not populate if the following conditions within the Birth to 3 IFSP form were met:

  • On the Cover Page: If IFSP Meeting Purpose is set to "Periodic Review."
  • On the Early Intervention Services/Other Services section: If "Parent(s) will provide consent to those Early Intervention Services……" is "No."
    • If "Yes," the Parent/Guardian signature date will now flow to the profile (to the Most Recent Periodic Review date).
    • If "No," the IFSP date will now flow to the profile (to the Most Recent Periodic Review date).
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