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SPSM-MI_21.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 8, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-49173Parent Notification and Consent for Medicaid

Made the following changes to the Parent Notification and Consent for Medicaid document template:

  • Updated the "Attending District" field to display the Attending District ISD in View mode.
    Note: In Edit mode, this field will continue to display as Attending District.
  • Added the "Student ID" field.
  • Updated the text in the last sentence of the Notification area to include "ISD and it's local districts."
  • Updated the "Yes" option in the Consent area to display the ISD instead of the Globals school district field.
  • Removed the text "progress reports" from the Consent area (Option: Yes, a).
  • Updated the Yes or No checkboxes in the Consent area so that one selection is mandatory.
  • Added data flow from this document to the Medicaid information profile and Medicaid child profile for the following fields:
    • Consent to Bill Medicaid Obtained
    • Medicaid Compliance Date
    • Entity
SPEDSM-46480CEPI ReportsFixed an error that users would encounter when running the CEPI reports.
SPEDSM-46001K-12 Nonpublic Service document

Made the following changes to K-12 Nonpublic Service document:

  • Goals are now required when finalizing only when the student is eligible and "Does this student have current goals and objectives" is Yes.
  • The Progress Report is required when finalizing only when the student is eligible and the Goals section is included, and the first checkbox in the parent consent area ("Understand that services are not required....") is not selected.
SPEDSM-44394Student Profile: Demographics/Enrollment/Contact section

Added the following fields to the Student Contact Information area:

  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Daytime
  • Email 2
  • School Pickup
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