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SPSM-MI_22.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 18, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-57734AssessmentArea Keyword Table

Modified the InUse column for the following keywords

  • Achievement - has been changed from No to Yes
  • Adaptive Skills - has been changed from No to Yes
SPEDSM-57160Birth to 3 IFSP Document

Modified the constraints that prevented the finalization of the IFSP document when a transition was not required.

SPEDSM-60021COSFScale Keyword Table

Changed the keyword “Between Not Yes and Emerging” to “Between Not Yet and Emerging.”

SPEDSM-59230Early Intervention Services/Other Services

Removed a red code error that appeared above the Services table.

SPEDSM-57743EligibilityAreaTable Keyword Table

Added Specific Learning Disabilities keyword to the table.

SPEDSM-57744Font size button

Corrected the broken font size button functionality on all Rich Text fields within the Present Level of Academic Achievement & Function section under the Eligibility Recommendation document.

SPEDSM-57569Grade Level Changes

Modified the science assessments given in grades 5, 8, and 11 from the spring of 2022. Previously, these assessments were given in grades 4, 7, and 11.

SPEDSM-56976Invitation To Attend a Meeting Document

Modified the formula for SignedConsent section action to work appropriately when the Consent to Invite Community Agencies document is completed.

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