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SPSM-MI_22.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 29, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-68618Birth to 3 IFSP Document

Modified the Progress Toward Measurable Result or Outcome table to be editable after updates in the Measurable Results/Outcomes section of the Birth to 3 IFSP Document.

SPEDSM-67980CEPI Report Updates

Made the following changes to the CEPI Report:

  • Report renamed from CEPI SP 2021 to CEPI SP 2022.
  • Collection ID modified from 241 to 263.
  • Modified the Telephone Number (Contact Component) from a Max Length Value = 10 to Max Length Value = 24.
  • Added new codes to the EarlyOnEligibilities Keyword Table.
  • Added new codes to the SupplementalNutrition Keyword Table.
  • Retired AEPS, E-LAP, HELP, and EIDP fields in the EODataSource Keyword Table.
SPEDSM-66117Eligibility Recommendation Document

Modified the document to comply with the eligibility rules for students classified as Visually Impaired.

SPEDSM-62196IEP Document

Modified the accommodations and alternate assessment section in the IEP Document to include the M-Step and MI-Access tests.

SPEDSM-68825Student Count Worksheets

Reversed the date filter on the student count worksheets document used by staff to include students whose enrollment and Special Ed exit dates are greater than the current count date.

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