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SPSM-MI_23.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 27, 2023



Release Note


Birth to 3 Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Individualized Education Program (IEP) Documents

Made the following changes to the Birth to 3 IFSP document:

  • When the IFSP document is finalized, the system will update the IFSP completion date on the Early On Eligibility profile and the CEPI Birth profile on the Initial IFSP Date or IFSP Date fields.

Made the following changes to the IEP document:

  • Resolved the error on save, when the user edits and saves the Notice Regarding Provision of Special Education, when both the Resident District and Operating District to conduct subsequent IEP Team meetings on the Notice page are selected to sign the notice, and the signatures for both Operating District and Resident Districts are captured. The system now saves the signature dates for the two signers separately.

  • On finalization of the IEP, the IEP Completion Date will be updated on the Special Education profile when the Operating District signature on the Notice section is captured. The system now correctly updates other dates, which are calculated based on the IEP completion Date, like the Annual Review Date and Recent Evaluation Date, along with other calculated fields used in state reports.

  • Removed the values MI State-wide assessment and MI State-wide Alternate Assessment from the Assessments drop-down list within the IEP document, Accommodations and Alternate Assessments section. This change will be reflected on the Assessment drop-down on the 504 Plan and the Transfer of Student with Disability - Part B documents too.

  • On the IEP Coversheet, when the user selects Visual Impairment as a disability, the first Qualifying Criteria field is now optional.


Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Corrected the IEP document behavior to resolve the issues around updating the Date of the IEP Offer of FAPE, the Date of the Most Recent Evaluation IEP, and the IEP Completion date when the IEP or IEP Amendment document is finalized. Previously, the Notice Regarding Provision of Special Education section where the Staff digital signature date was wiped out once the document was finalized. Thus, the Date of the IEP Offer of FAPE and the Date of the Most Recent Evaluation IEP on the Participant and Profile section was not updated on the document template and was not updated in the Special Evaluation profile.

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