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SPSM-MI_24.6.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: June 10, 2024



Release Note


Birth to 3 IFSP

Added a checkbox option on the cover page to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


Birth to 3 IFSP

Resolved an issue with the data flow from the IFSP document to the Early On Eligibility profile after the completion of the Digital Signature and finalization of the document for the Initial IFSP dates, Latest IFSP Date, and Logged Plan Dates.


Birth to 3 IFSP and REED and Consent To Evaluate forms

  • REED and Consent to Evaluate

    • The District Superintendent Designee and District Contact person fields are now required.

    • Evaluation Review and Plan section: Added a Will Sign Paper Copy checkbox option. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.

  • Birth to 3 IFSP

    • Cover page: Added a checkbox option to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will be displayed only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


CEPI Early On state reports

Resolved an issue where students were not being included in the CEPI Report Inclusion: ExitedEOButNotReported report. This error was caused by the calculated field labeled ExitedEOButNotReported incorrectly factoring in the EOSpecialEdExitDate value.


Eligibility Recommendation Form

An issue was fixed where the Disability and Qualifying Criteria section was not showing up when a student was found eligible for Visual Impairment and had not selected at least one of the three assurance statements. Now, the form will display the Disability and Qualifying Criteria once the student is found eligible.



  • On the Special Education Eligibility Profile, resolved an issue where the Initial Eligibility field was incorrectly set to Student was found eligible rather than Student was found eligible, services refused when the student had an Initial IEP meeting, and the student was found to be eligible, but where the consent was not received within 10 school days of the IEP Notice.

  • Corrected an issue where the Consent was not received within 10 school days checkbox was selected based on the initial IEP process from the previous year even though consent was either given or declined for an Initial IEP process conducted this year.

  • Corrected an issue in the Community Agency section of the IEP Transition Conference section where users were required to add a consent date even when consent was not given.



  • Added digital signature functionality in the Notice Regarding Provision of Special Education section for Resident District Superintendent/Designee and Operating District Superintendent/Designee. Both of the staff fields are required.

  • Programs and Services section: Fixed an issue where Primary Settings appear in edit mode but not in view or print modes.

  • Added a checkbox option on the cover page to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.



Notice Regarding Provision of Special Education section:

  • Added a date field (for the FAPE date) next to the Resident District Superintendent/Designee signature – to be manually entered when the document is signed via paper copy.

  • Added a checkbox option on the cover page to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy, and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


IEP, IFSP, Non Public, and Transfer of Student with Disability Documents

  • Resolved a data flow issue where Qualifying Criteria was not flowing to the Primary QC and Secondary QC profiles.

  • Resolved an issue on the IEP system. Previously, users were able to change the QC data on the document when the meeting type was an annual review and the QC values were blank. Now, regardless of whether there are QC values, the user will not be able to add or modify the "Student is Eligible/Not Eligible" checkboxes, Disability, or QC values if the meeting type is not Initial or Re-evaluation.

  • Changed the functionality so that users can no longer change the document from an Annual (C2) or Amendment (C4) to an Initial (C1), Re-evaluation (C3) in order to change the disability or QC data (then to change it back to Initial or re-evaluation and expect the changes made during the temporary flipping of the meeting type to maintain the updated disability and QC data in the Annual or Amendment. If the document does not reflect the correct disability or QC data, the user must have the disability or QC data corrected in the applicable profiles. Then upon opening the document, the data will refresh if it is an Annual, pulling from the profiles. When the user changes the type to an Initial or Re-evaluation and update disability and/or QC data, upon changing the meeting type to an annual, the document will clear out disability and QC data that was added in the document and will refresh to pull from the profiles.

  • Ran a one time script to flow the QC data from the latest finalized document (IEP, IFSP, Transfer, Non Public or IFSP) to the Primary and Secondary QC profiles if the student does not have any Primary QC data in the profile.


IEP, PWN, Interim Alternative Educational Setting and Transfer of Student with Disability

Updated the address, phone number, and website details within the Resources for Parents area.


IFSP Document and Early On Eligibility Profile

  • Early On Eligibility Profile - Added two new fields Parent Consent for Early On and Parent Consent for Early On Special Education.

  • IFSP

    • Added a new checkbox under the Parent(s) Consent for Early On section called Understand, but declined to consent for the content and implementation of this plan, and its referrals.

    • Updated the document action labeled SetResultofInitialIEFSP and Update ResultOfInitialIFSP to include values Eligible for Both Part C and Special Ed - Part C services declined (C04), Eligible for Part C Only - Part C service declined (C05), Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed - both Part C service, Special Ed services declined (C06) and Not eligible for services (C07).


K-12 Non-Public Service Plan

  • Corrected an issue where the Goals and Objectives and Progress Report sections were being auto-removed when users selected those sections for inclusion when creating a new document.

  • When the Goal? checkbox is selected in the Eligibility and Present Level section, the system will add the Goals and Objectives and the Progress Report sections to the document. Users may manually delete any sections by unselecting sections in the Set Sections option within Set Document.

  • If the Goals? checkbox in the Eligibility and Present Level section is unselected, the system will not automatically remove the Goals, Objectives, and Progress Report sections. Users may manually delete any sections by unselecting them in the Set Document>Set Sections option.


K-12 Nonpublic Service Plan

  • Parent/Guardian Signature is suppressed for the meeting types Annual Review, Reevaluation and Amendment regardless of the signature method.

  • Added a new checkbox named, Will sign paper copy to support the paper copy signatures. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


Minutes and Sessions Keyword Tables

Updated Minutes and Sessions keyword tables to allow custom values. In the Minutes keyword table, added Keyword 3, description 15-45. In the Sessions keyword table, added keyword 11, description 1-3.


Prior Written Notice

  • Configured digital signature for District Superintendent/Designee.

  • Added the option Will sign a paper copy checkbox which will be displayed when digital signature signing is enabled. The new checkbox will appear only in edit mode. The checkbox will only appear if the document is enabled for digital signature. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


Release of Information form

  • Hard coded 5 Information Requested rows to allow the rows to be digitally initialled.

  • Added a checkbox option on the cover page to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


Revocation and Notice of Cessation

  • Notice of Cessation section: Added Docusign functionality for staff signing. This section will be created as a new document upon the completion of the digital signature and finalization of the Revocation of Consent.

  • When the option to sign a paper copy is selected, the system will display a message: Please remember to upload the signed copy as an attachment to this document.

  • Added a checkbox option to sign the document via paper copy. The checkbox will not appear if there is no electronic signature for that particular document/license. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy, and sending the document for the digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Signs a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.


Section 504 - Plan

  • Added DocuSign functionality for Staff.

  • Added a checkbox option on the cover page to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will appear only in edit mode. The new checkbox will appear only in edit mode. The checkbox will only appear if the document is enabled for digital signature.


Section 504 Plan and Section 504 - Eligibility Determination forms

  • Section 504 Plan: Added stylized text option to questions 1, 2, 3 and Area of Need, and Aids and Services areas.

  • Section 504 - Eligibility Determination: Added stylized text option to the entire form.


Transfer of Student with Disability - Part B

  • Configured Digital Signature for Resident District Superintendent/Designee and Operating District Superintendent/Designee.

  • Removed the option to sign the document via paper copy from the Plan of Care Medical Signature section.

  • Added an option to sign the document via paper copy. This checkbox will be displayed only in edit mode. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is selected, the document needs to be signed via paper copy and sending the document for digital signature request is disabled. When the checkbox Will sign a paper copy is not selected, signatures must be completed through digital signature.

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