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SPSM-MO_21.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 22, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-42676Demographic Profile: Parent/Contacts

Updated the Unlimited Contacts script to remove the four demographic parents/contacts and reload them from the Student Contacts profile, removing any parents/contacts if they are removed from the PowerSchool SIS.

SPEDSM-35546Eligibility Report
  • Updated the "Case Manager" field to flow into the form from the Eligibility profile and not to the profile.
  • Expanded the Medical Findings text box in the Team Conclusions area.
SPEDDEV-18754eSchoolPlus - Classification Export Report

Added a new eSchoolPlus Export report titled "eSchoolPlus Classification Export Report," which will include the student's primary and secondary disability data.


Fixed an issue where when the user selected "Update Document from Student Profile," it would clear the checkboxes and text boxes under For Preschool within the Regular Education Participation section.

SPEDSM-24743IEP and Service Plan
  • Made the following changes to both IEP and Service Plan:
    • Removed Form G from both the IEP and Service Plan.
    • Added an InUse column in the Progress keyword table and set all values to “Yes.”
    • Changed the Progress keyword table to be admin-editable.
    • Updated the progress section to filter only Progress keyword values that are set as InUse = Yes.
  • Made the following changes to the Service Plan:
    • In the Progress Report section, changed the heading from "3. IEP Goals with a Reporting Form" to "Individualized Service Plan Progress Report."
    • In the Goals section, text in the Other section appears within the Area drop-down.
  • Made the following changes to IEP:
    • On the IEP Placement Considerations page, when the student is in PK/Kindergarten grade, and the user answers Yes to "will placement change due to level transfer," the question labeled "For K-12 students: Is (student name)'s placement as close as possible...." now appears.
SPEDSM-40434Positive Behavior Support Plan

Renamed "Positive Behavior Support Plan" to "Behavior Intervention Plan."

SPEDSM-39239Review of Existing Data

Added a statement bank in the "Type and Description of Data Reviewed" and "Summary of Information Gained" columns.

SPEDSM-38009Special Education Discipline Documentation Form

Updated the values on the form to allow for fractional days.

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