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SPSM-MO_21.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: October 6, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-49044First Steps Referral To ECSE Documentation Form

Updated the following changes to the FRTSTP document:

  • Changed the text from "Student's Name" to "Child's Name. "
  • Removed MOSIS ID.
  • Changed the text from "(found on page 1 of First Steps ROI form or obtained at Transition Conference)" to "(found on page 2 of First Steps ROI form or obtained at Transition Conference)."
  • Removed the text "*If a parent opts out of ECSE referral and subsequently changes mind PRIOR TO 90 days before child's 3^rd^ birthday, and if the child is eligible, the IEP must still be in place by child's 3rd birthday."
  • Updated the text for a flow chart under "IEP by Third Birthday Decision-making Flow Chart."
SPEDSM-47309Missouri IEP

Updated the following forms within the IEP to comply with the latest state changes:

  • IEP form
  • Form D
  • Form E
  • Form F
  • Form G
SPEDSM-47156Prior Written Notice

Updated the following changes to the PWN form:

  • Removed the "Reevaluation (without assessment)" checkbox.
  • Updated the following sections to make them mandatory:
    • Option(s) that was/were considered
    • The reason(s) why each option was rejected
  • Added "Revised July 12, 2021" as form footer.
SPEDSM-47159Review of Existing Data

Made the following changes to the Review of Existing Data form:

  • Updated to use the text "Prior Written Notice" instead of "prior written Notice of Action."
  • Included all four Parents'/Guardians' when the "Receives Letter" checkbox is selected.
  • Updated to use the text "Prior Written Notice" instead of "Notice of Action."
  • Updated description of the "The decision" section to match the state form.
  • Updated description of the "Parent's right to additional assessment" section to match the state form.
  • Removed the Bold style from the following checkboxes:
    • Verbal
    • Written
  • Updated the footer to "Updated July 12, 2021."
SPEDSM-48758Unlimited Contacts Update script -Copy_student_contacts_into_students

Updated the Unlimited Contacts Update script "Copy_student_contacts_into_students" to delete the contact in PowerSchool Special Programs when the contact is removed from eSchoolPLUS or PowerSchool SIS.

SPEDSM-49855IDEA Transfer Student form

Updated the following changes to the IDEA Transfer Student form:

  • Updated the text "YES, there is reason to suspect the child has a disability under IDEA. Proceed below." to "YES, there is reason to suspect the child has a disability under IDEA- the LEA must provide comparable services based on interviews until eligibility determination can be made. Proceed below."
  • Updated the whole SUBSECTION 2a within the No Eval and No IEP section.
  • Removed both the checkboxes under "EVALUATION REPORT" and added a new option labeled "The public agency reviewed the Evaluation Report to determine whether to accept or reject it." within the Eval-No IEP section.
  • Updated the text "Initial Evaluation must be initiated to determine eligibility. Proceed to Section 3b below:" to "Reevaluation must be initiated to determine eligibility. Proceed to Section 3b below:" for DECISION part within the Eval-No IEP section.
  • Updated the whole SUBSECTION 3b within the Eval-No IEP section.
  • Updated the text "Initial Evaluation" to "reevaluation" in the SUBSECTION 4a within the IEP-No Eval section.
  • Updated the whole SUBSECTION 4a within the IEP-No Eval section.
  • Updated the text to "The Public Agency, in consultation with the parent, provided FAPE to the child, including services comparable to those described in the previous IEP, until such time as the public agency could adopt the previous IEP or convene an IEP team meeting to develop a new IEP that is consistent with Federal and State law and regulations. Date of IEP meeting to review/revise the IEP (m/d/y) ____/___/____" for SUBSECTION 4b within the IEP-No Eval section.
  • Updated the whole SUBSECTION 4b part within the IEP-No Eval section.
  • Updated the text to "Accepted the transferred Evaluation Report. Acceptance indicates that the evaluation report is compliant and includes all information necessary to determine eligibility in the State of Missouri. Proceed to review the transfer IEP below." within the IEP & Eval section.
  • Updated the text to "Rejected the transferred Evaluation Report. A reevaluation must be initiated to determine eligibility. Provide comparable services. Reevaluation initiated on" within the IEP & Eval section.
  • Updated the text to "IEP team convened within 30 days of eligibility determination to develop an IEP" within the IEP & Eval section.
  • Updated the text to "Rejected the transferred IEP. The Public Agency, in consultation with the parent, provided FAPE to the child, including services comparable to those described in the previous IEP, until such time as the public agency could adopt the previous IEP or convene an IEP team meeting to develop a new IEP that is consistent with Federal and State law and regulations. Date of IEP meeting to review/revise the IEP" within the IEP & Eval section.
  • Created a new section called Comparable Services Documentation Form and designed it according to state form guidelines.
  • Added stylized text to all text fields.
  • Modified Missouri IEP Form G: Distance Learning Plan in finalized documents to display the text and format used before the July 2021 release. For example, Section C has been restored to the finalized documents.
  • Per state guidelines, when a finalized Missouri IEP is revised, the Form D: State Assessments, Alternate Form F, and Form G: Distance Learning Plan sections will contain the same text and format as the original IEP document.
  • IEP’s created after the September model release will display the new State IEP changes, including the Form D/E/F/G sections.

Directions to display the new IEP sections in an unfinalized document:

  • Per the State, any unfinalized IEP document where the meeting was held on or after 7/1/2021 should reflect the new state-mandated text and format for Form D: State Assessments, Form F: Classroom Accommodations, and Form G: Distance Learning Plan. Use the following process to update existing unfinalized documents with the new text and format:
  1. Open the unfinalized IEP form.
  2. Select the Set Document drop-down list, then choose Sections.
  3. If “Form D: State Assessments (Retired)” is selected, clear it and select “Form D: State Assessments.”
  4. If “Alternate Form F (Retired)” is selected, clear it and select “Form F: Classroom Accommodations.”
  5. If “Form G: Distance learning Plan (Retired) is selected, clear it and select “Form G: Distance Learning Plan.”
  6. Click Accept.
  7. The IEP will now display the new Form D, Form F, Form G, or all three sections based on what was selected.
SPEDSM-50187IEP Level Transfer Educational EnvironmentPlacement Considerations & Decisions section:
When the user clicks the drop-down list for the Level of Transfer, all values are displayed and no longer filter only K12 LRE values.
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