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SPSM-MO_24.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 30, 2024



Release Note


Child Count Report

Corrected the report selection criteria with the Initiation Date. The date should be on or before December 1 of the current school year to ensure correct student report data.


Eligibility Profile and Missouri IEP, Individualized Service Plan, and Section 504 - Plan Form

Resolved the issues with the Annual Review Due Date, showing the date based on the corrected calculated Formula. This update applies across multiple areas, including the Eligibility Profile, Missouri IEP, Individualized Service Plan, and Section 504 Plan Form.


Evaluation Report Form

Updated to display the addresses of all four parents in the Evaluation Report document based on the Receives letter option.


ExitReasonTable and EdEnvironmentTable Keyword Table

  • Made ExitReasonTable admin-editable so the values can align with PowerSchool SIS.

  • Removed Public Residential Facility for the K-12 section.

  • Retrained Residential Facility option for ECSE and removed Residential Facility for K-12.

  • Retrained the Private Residential Facility for k-12 and removed it for ECSE.


Individualized Service Plan

  • Updated the N/A functionality to allow users to access it in edit mode within the Supplementary Aids/Services section.

  • Updated that at least one row in all service areas includes the value.

  • Updated the functionality so the N/A checkbox will not be removed when the document has exited edit status.


Individualized Service Plan Form

  • Removed the Digital Signature functionality from the Individualized Service Plan document.

  • Removed the Will Sign checkboxes, Signatures, and Date columns from the Participants table.


INTEGRATION - Demographics Profile Section

Updated the imported functionality for Race to align with PowerSchool SIS.


INTEGRATION - Export Report - S_MO_STU_X

Added the following columns in the export report to match the requirement for state reporting:

  • ECO Entry Indicator 1

  • ECO Entry Indicator 2

  • ECO Entry Indicator 3

  • ECO Exit Indicator 1

  • ECO Exit Indicator 2

  • ECO Exit Indicator 3


Missouri IEP

Updated the editing functionality for the Universal tools section for Part 4- WIDA ACCESS, regardless of selections in the participant area.


Missouri IEP Form

Modified the editing functionality for Section A in the Universal Tools, located in Part 2 of the MAP End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment.


Prior Written Notice Form

  • Updated the user message. The message now displays as Please select either the Consent Not Required option for parents or the Verbal Agreement option for staff. Since both options are optional and users have not selected the checkbox in the Consent Not Required section, they may proceed without selecting it.

  • Modified the functionality so that the parent's name will not be removed from the top of the document even if they are not participating in the signing process.


Service Profile Section

Resolved the empty data issue for the Ed Environment field in the Service profile section for active students with Individualized Education Programs.

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