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SPSM-MS_21.1.1.0 Release Notes

Mississippi Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-34132Excusal of IEP Committee Member document

Configured the Excusal of IEP Committee Member document for DocuSign so that parents are now able to sign the document.

SPEDSM-37400IEP > Cover Page

Updated the IEP Cover Page with the following changes:

  • Moved MSIS to the top beside Student's Name.
  • Changed the following fields under Identifying Information:
    • The current Eligibility Date is now below Secondary Eligibility.
    • Gender is now below Date of Birth.
    • Added Grade below Ethnicity.
    • School is now beside Grade.
  • Added checkboxes within the Evaluations section for the following:
    • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
    • Assistive Technology Assessment
    • Occupational or Physical Therapy Evaluation
    • List other evaluation(s) follow-up(s).
      • If this option is selected, a textbox will appear.
SPEDSM-35971IEP > Cover Page

Updated the Cover Page to now display the information in the Other Health Impairment field. When Multiple Disabilities is selected as the Primary Disability and Other Health Impairment is selected as the sub-category, the text entered in the Other Health Impairment field will appear in the IEP Cover Page.

SPEDSM-35046IEP > Cover Page and IEP Committee Participants

Updated how information appears in the Cover Page and IEP Committee Participants pages of the IEP. The "In Attendance" checkbox will now remain persistent for all students. This will allow users to show when a student is In Attendance, regardless of the student's age.

SPEDSM-37403IEP > Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section

Updated the Goals and Objectives/Benchmarks section of the IEP with the following:

  • Annual Goal Baseline Data will now be a long text area.
  • Annual Goal area:
    • Provided checkboxes for several areas. The options for the checkboxes in the Area of Annual Goal area will change based on the age (3-5 and 6-21) of the students.
SPEDSM-37401IEP > IEP Committee Participants section

Updated the IEP Committee Participants section of the IEP with the following changes:

  • Added text below the Evaluations section.
  • Added checkboxes within the Evaluations section for the following:
    • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
    • Assistive Technology Assessment
    • Occupational or Physical Therapy Evaluation
    • List other evaluation(s) follow-up(s).
      • If this option is selected, a textbox will appear.
  • Added a Summary of Revision with a checkbox for "Check to verify that all changes were made in the IEP should be added."
SPEDSM-37407IEP > Individual Transition Plan

Updated the Individual Transition Plan of the IEP with the following:

  • Switched the Course of Study and Exit Options.
  • Removed the following:
    • The Previous Year's Class(es)
    • Current Year's Class(es)
    • Projected Year's Class(es)
SPEDSM-37402IEP > PLAAFP section

Updated the text in the PLAAFP section of the IEP. Updated the text under the Student's Strengths, Preferences, and Interest, as well as the Impact of Disability and Student, Needs areas.

SPEDSM-37408IEP > Placement Considerations and LRE

Updated the Placement Considerations and LRE section of the IEP with the following:

  • Added checkboxes for Yes/No for Placement Option(s) Considered.
  • If No is selected for one of the Placement Option(s) Considered, a long text field is required.
  • Changed the Heading "Percentage of Time Student Receives Special Education Outside of the General Education Classroom" to "MSIS Classification for LRE."
SPEDSM-36151IEP > Prior Written Notice

Removed the Prior Written Notice (PWN) section of the IEP since there is now a standalone PWN document.

SPEDSM-37779IEP > Progress Report

Updated the Progress Report section of the IEP. Changed "Comments" to "Current Level of Performance (CLP) for Report of Progress".

SPEDSM-35903IEP > Progress Report

Fixed an issue with the Progress Report. When creating new IEPs, even when "Prevent Copying from this Section" is selected, the new IEPs were still copying Progress Report information from the previous IEP.

SPEDSM-37405IEP > Services, Accommodations and Modifications section

Changed the sequence of the "End Date" and "Duration/Frequency" fields in the Services, Accommodations, and Modifications section on the IEP. Updated the changes to the following sections:

  • Special Education
  • Related Services
  • Program Modifications
  • Instructional/Functional Accommodations
  • Supports for Personnel
SPEDSM-35974IEP > Services, Accommodations, and Modifications

Corrected a typo in the Services, Accommodations, and Modifications section in the IEP. Under the Educational Environment Calculation area, #3 was displaying "line #1 minutes line #2". This now correctly displays "line #1 minus line #2".

SPEDSM-35973IEP > Services, Accommodations, and Modifications

Fixed an issue in the Services, Accommodations, and Modifications section of the IEP. When a user selects "Other" within Special Education, Instructional/Functional Accommodations, Related Services, and Supports for Personnel, the text areas are no longer a required field.

SPEDSM-37409IEP > Signature Page

Revised the IEP to include the Signature Page.

SPEDSM-37404IEP > Special Considerations/BIP section

Added fields to the Services for Students with Limited English Proficiency in the Special Considerations/BIP section within IEP. Added the following fields:

  • What is the student's native language?
  • Is the student receiving English Learner Services?
    • Checkboxes are provided for Yes and No. If No is selected, a textbox will appear. If Yes, date of the most recent Language Service Plan.
SPEDSM-37406IEP > Statewide Assessment Program section

Updated the Statewide Assessment Program section of the IEP with the following:

  • Added a checkbox for "The student will receive instruction on the Alternate Academic Standards." This option is between "The Student MEETS the criteria for having a significant cognitive disability" and "The Student DOES NOT MEET the criteria for having a significant cognitive disability."
  • Updated the Assessments grid as per the revised version of the IEP.
SPEDSM-34133Manifestation Determination Review Form

Configured the Manifestation Determination Review Form for DocuSign so that staff is able to sign the document.

SPEDSM-35976PreschoolLREClassification keyword table

Added the abbreviation ahead of the Description within PreschoolLREClassification keyword table. Also added "SJ - Parentally placed in private schools" as a keyword within the table.

SPEDSM-36152Prior Written Notice

Fixed an issue on the Prior Written Notice so that the date field beside "I understand that I have 7 days to consider the committee's decision, but I would like to waive the 7-day waiting period so that the committee's action or refusal may begin on..." is no longer a required field.

SPEDSM-34140Report of Physical Observation document

Configured the Report of Physical Observation document for DocuSign to allow for the staff signature and date to be signed via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-35975SchoolAgeLREClassification Keyword Table

Added the abbreviation ahead of the Description within the SchoolAgeLREClassification keyword table. Also added "PI - Regular program ten (10) or more hours per week and served in the regular program" as a keyword within the table.

SPEDSM-36367Special Education Information Profile > Disability Information

Removed the text "Test Update Field" from within the Disability Information area.

SPEDSM-35433Special Education Information Profile > Disability Information

Fixed text alignment issues within Disability Information under Special Education Information Profile.

SPEDSM-34134Summary of Performance document

Configured the Summary of Performance document for DocuSign so that students can sign and date the document.

SPEDSM-34135Teacher Narrative document

Configured the Teacher Narrative for DocuSign to allow staff to sign and enter a date.

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