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SPSM-MS_21.3.1.0 Release Notes

Mississippi Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-39652IEP > ESY Section

Fixed an issue with the ESY Section. When revising an IEP finalized before the February release, the section action to enter the "Document the basis for the decision" will no longer appear.

SPEDSM-39240IEP > ESY Section

Updated the PAG field within the ESY section to no longer be a required field.

SPEDSM-40037IEP > Special Considerations > BIP

Fixed an issue with the BIP section within Special Considerations to save without an error. Previously, if "Has a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) based on a Functional Behavioral Assessment been developed" had No selected, the section displayed a message requiring the "Date Developed" and "Implementation Date" fields to be filled.

SPEDSM-39988MET Documentation Form

Updated the MET Documentation Form. When selecting "Reevaluation," the "Language/Speech Dismissal" checkbox no longer requires the second checkbox to be selected. The three checkboxes will appear under the "Recommendation of Team for Reevaluations" section.

SPEDSM-41425Services Plan - PLAAFP

Added a PLAAFP section to the Services Plan document. This section will include the following:

  • Student's Strengths, Preferences, and Interests
  • Impact of Disability and Student Needs (Critical Skills and Behaviors or Developmentally Appropriate Activities)
  • Parent/Student Input/Concerns
SPEDSM-41138Services Plan > Committee Members Present

Added a new section titled "Services Plan Review/Revision - Committee Members Present" to the Services Plan. While this section will not be included by default when creating a new Services Plan, you can add it if needed. When revised, the Plan will add the "Services Plan Review/Revision" section.

SPEDSM-41134Services Plan > Cover Sheet
  • Added the following fields to the Cover Sheet of the Services Plan:
    • Age
    • Eligibility Subcategory
    • Service Plan Committee Meeting Date
    • Projected Annual Review Date
    • Projected Reevaluation Date
    • Committee Members Present
  • Removed "Summary of Performance" from the Cover Sheet.
SPEDSM-41140Services Plan > Individual Transition Plan

Removed "Individual Transition Plan" from the Services Plan.

SPEDSM-41141Services Plan > Progress Report

Updated the Progress Report section of the Services Plan with the following changes:

  • The date field is now editable.
  • Removed the "Homeroom Teacher" and "Related Services Provider" fields.
SPEDSM-41137Services Plan > Related Services > ESY

Removed the Related Services > ESY section. The Services area has been added to the Special Education Services > Personnel Support section.

SPEDSM-41136Services Plan > Service Goals section

Updated the Service Goals section of the Services Plan with the following changes:

  • Removed the TA and Agency Responsible columns.
  • Added the ability to select more than one Method.
  • If Other is selected from the Method dropdown, then the text field is now a required field.
  • Removed the Beginning Date, Ending Date, Frequency, and Location of Services fields.
SPEDSM-41135Services Plan > Supplementary Aids and Services, Personnel Support section

Updated the "Supplementary Aids and Services, Personnel Support" section on the Services Plan with the following changes:

  • The section is now titled "Special Education Services, Personnel Support."
  • Moved this section to "Service Goals."
  • Removed "Modification(s)/Accommodation(s)" from the "Supplementary Aids and Services, Personnel Supports in Regular Education and Special Education table."
  • Added "Services" as a new section within the table.
  • Added a text field if "Other" is selected within the Support for Personnel Area dropdown.
  • Added "Least Restrictive Placement Decision" to this section.
  • Added a text field if "Other" is selected from the Placement Decision area.
  • Added a "Procedural Safeguards Notice."
SPEDSM-37876SpecEdService Keyword Table

Updated the SpecEdService keyword table to be admin-editable and can be modified by customers if needed.

SPEDSM-41680IEP > IEP Committee ParticipantsFixed an issue with the IEP Committee Participants section where the Evaluations section would display a "Sign" button. Now, the checkboxes appear as expected.
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