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SPSM-NA_22.5.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: June 3, 2022



Release Note

SPEDDEV-12379PowerSchool - GeneralEdStudent Import & Change Notification

Added the ability to bring down General Education students from PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) to PowerSchool Special Education.

SPEDSM-59831Section 504 Form Order and Bookmarks

Forms are displayed in process order (for example, 504 Referral to 504 Plan). A user can bookmark their favorite forms. Selecting the gear icon beside the form, users can change the order of their bookmarks.

SPEDSM-61090Section 504 Forms

Modified and enhanced all Section 504 forms to have Digital Signature capability.

Section 504 - Referral form

  • Includes the ability to calculate when Eligibility is due. Set by District Admin (Field EligibilityDueDate: Default set to 60 days from Referral Date) (Section Action Properties = Populate EligMeetingDate504).

Section 504 - Written Notice/Consent

Section 504 - Parent Rights in Brief

Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation

Section 504 - Eligibility

  • Behavior Option: MeetingDataFlow504Eligibility.
  • Displays the date of the latest finalized Section 504 plan Behavior Option: MeetingDataFlow504Eligibility: When enabled, this will flow the newest Section 504 Invitation Meeting date, purpose of meeting, and meeting participants to the Section 504 Eligibility form. The Invitation must exist within 45 days of the 504 Eligibility Form for data flow (number of days also can be controlled by admin).
  • The administrator must enable this option to True.

Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review

  • Includes Parent Rights in Brief.

Section 504 - Plan

  • Behavior Option: MeetingDataFlow504Plan: When enabled, this will flow the latest Section 504 Invitation Meeting date, purpose of meeting, and meeting participants to the Section 504 Plan. The Invitation must exist within 60 days of the 504 Eligibility Form for data flow (number of days also can be controlled by admin). The administrator must enable this option to True.
  • Behavior Option: ShowAssessments - will add the ability to include Assessments and Accommodations to this form. ADMIN must enable this option to True.
  • Keyword Tables for this area are AccommodationTypes504, Accommodations504, and Assessments.
  • Data will flow to Profile, 504 Accommodations.

Section 504 - Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information

  • Profiles: Updated Demographics and Section 504.
  • Enhanced the data flow from forms to Section 504 profile fields.
SPEDSM-60367Section 504 Indicator
  • Profile, Section 504 dataflow indicates when a student is eligible under Section 504 {Five04Eligibility} = Yes and Section 504 Exit Date is blank.
  • Profile, Student Information will indicate = Yes (check) in the Enrollment Information area. When Section 504 Exit date is not blank, the Enrollment field indicates the student in Section 504 will be unchecked which also controls the 504 flag indicator.
SPEDSM-59833Section 504 Profiles

Enhanced Section 504 Profiles with dataflow from Section 504 forms.

  • Referral Date
  • Initial 504 Evaluation Consent: Given, Refused, No Parent Response
  • Date of Section 504 Consent to Evaluate
  • Section 504 Initial Eligibility Due Date: Calculated field from referral date
  • Date of Section 504 Eligibility Meeting
  • Student is eligible under Section 504: Yes/No
  • Impairments 1,2,3: Keyword table - Admin Editable - Section504Impairments
  • Re-Evaluate Date
  • Date of Section 504 Accommodation Plan
  • Section 504 Start Date
  • Date of Anticipated Review
  • Section 504 Coordinator
  • Manifestation Determination Review
  • Date Exited Section 504
  • Reason Exited Section 504: Keyword: Section504ExitReasons
SPEDSM-60205Section Reports

Added the following reports for Section 504:

  • 504 Basic List
  • 504 by Ethnicity
  • 504 by Gender
  • 504 by Grade
  • 504 Student Dates
  • 504 Workflow Compliance - Annual Review Location
  • 504 Workflow Compliance - Annual Review by Caseload
  • Current 504 by School
  • Current Accommodations
  • Current Caseload
  • Document Status - 504 Plan
  • Document Status - 504 Eligibility
  • Section 504 Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
SPEDSM-59832Student Information Profile Updated

Updated the Student Information Profile:

  • Added Mobile Phone number field.
  • In the Student is 18 or Older, the Decisions Keyword table is now admin-editable.
  • Transfer Information block which includes In-State Transfer: Yes/No, Transferred from: Lookup/Non-Lookup, Out of State Transfer - Yes / No
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