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Learning Support Rubric Definitions

Totally Dependent (1)

Partially Independent (2)

Independent (3)

Accessing Learning

The student requires specialized and individualized instruction involving frequent prompting and reinforcement to develop learning skills to access learning.

The student fully depends on an adult to facilitate all communication (oral and written) with peers and other adults to access learning.

The student requires occasional prompting and reinforcement to access learning.

The student can communicate their needs with adult reminders and prompting to access learning.

The student can communicate with prompting from an adult using their alternative or an augmentative system or an assistive technology device.

The student requires adult assistance to update vocabulary and program devices.

The student can independently access learning with universal or justified accommodations.

The student communicates their needs in all school settings independently, without the prompting of another person.

The student uses an alternative or augmentative system or assisted technology independently to communicate with peers and school staff (responds and initiates communication).

The student can independently program or update their device.

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