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SPSM-NB_23.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 6, 2023



Release Note


Accueil et inclusion des élèves nouveaux arrivants

Modified the drop-down menu under “SERVICES D’APPUI ACTUELS” to only display values with a “Yes” value in the Accueil_et_Inclusion column of the F_Services_dappui keyword table.

Admins: To completely hide values in the F_Services_dappui keyword table from showing up in any document (including the Accueil et inclusion des élèves nouveaux arrivants document), the Administrator can mark the InUse column as No.


Assistive Technology and Adaptive Equipment App

Updated the document header to be consistent with other New Brunswick PowerSchool Special Programs documents.


Assistive Technology and Adaptive Equipment Application

Removed the need for users to select a special concern in the Environment portion of the document to finalize the document.


Assistive Technology Inventory

Renamed the document from “Assistive Technology Inventory” to “Assistive Tech and Adaptive Equipment Inventory.”


Bloc Notes Confidentiel

  • Updated the Bloc Notes Confidentiel to show only specific label selections.

  • Removed the blank section labeled “Cover Page.”


Equipe Strategique Scolaire

Fixed an issue where users got an error when revising the Equipe Strategique Scolaire document*.*


Newcomer Support and Transition Plan

Fixed an issue where the system incorrectly provided a text box when Latin was selected for “First language(s) learned.”


Newcomer Support and Transition Plan

Updated the PDF associated with the READ link for “Holistic CEFT English Proficiency Level.”


Personalized Learning Plan

Fixed an issue where the user got an error message requiring the user to enter a date before sending the document for Digital Signature. The error message has been removed, and the date will be captured during Digital Signature.


Personalized Learning Plan

Updated the following fields in the Justification Summary section so that they are now limited to 50 characters:

  • Assessment Name

  • Strengths

  • Challenges


Équipe stratégique scolaire

Updated the Position field to be editable whether or not the user uses lookup or non-lookup.

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