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SPSM-NB_24.12.2.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: December 16, 2024



Release Note


ESS School Meetings, Minutes Document

Made the following change in the method of calculation:

  • Instead of the ESSDocumentIDT field in the “ESS School Meetings Minutes” the document uses the “Document_Created_On” field for calculation.


Newcomer Support and Transition Plan Document

Occurred dataflow of ‘NTI Start Date’, ‘NTI End Date’, and ‘Newcomer & Transition Type of Intervention’ to profile when the document is set to review.


Personalized Learning Plan - IBSP section

Corrected the text, exampless to examples, for definitions of Mild/Moderate and Severe Risks for Target behavior.


Personalized Learning Plan - Partial Day Section

Made the following changes to the Partial Day Plan section:

  • Deleting outcomes in the Partial Day Plan section and clicking Save, Continue Editing will remove the outcomes completely. They will no longer appear in edit, view, or print modes.

  • Deleting an entire Goal in the Partial Day Plan section will remove it from the Partial Day Plan Progress Reporting, while other Goals in the section will remain intact.

  • Deleting all Goals in the Partial Day Plan section will remove the entire Partial Day Plan Progress Reporting.

  • Adding a new Goal in the Partial Day Plan section will automatically add the Partial Day Plan Progress Reporting section to the document with the new Goal.


Plan d'action and Plan d'intervention Documents

Modified the stylized property so the font size can be adjusted for all the long text fields in Plan d'action and Plan d'intervention documents.

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