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SPSM-NB_24.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 25, 2024



Release Note


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French

Completed the name changes for the following measures:

  • COM01: Écouter une phrase et choisir la bonne image

  • COM02 : Écouter une phrase et répondre à une question simple

  • COM03 : Écouter une phrase et répondre à une question


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French

Made changes to remove the extra spaces on the second line of text for the following measures:

  • CPH19

  • CPH21

  • VOC17


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French

Changed the label of the Notes section to:

  • Phonétique - Notes de l'évaluateur

  • Conscience phonologique - Notes de l'évaluateur

  • Fluidité - Notes de l’évaluateur

  • Vocabulaire - Notes de l’évaluateur

  • Compréhension - Notes de l’évaluateur


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French

Updated to display the month names in French.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French

Completed requested changes to the following cells:

  • PHO03

  • PHO04

  • PHO05

  • PHO06,

  • PHO07

  • PHO08

  • PHO09

  • PHO10

  • PHO11

  • PHO12

  • PHO13

  • PHO14

  • PHO15

  • PHO16

  • PHO17

  • PHO18

  • PHO16

  • PHO20

  • PHO21

  • PHO22

  • PHO23

  • PHO24

Adjusted the scoring range for green color coding to include scores of 9 and 10.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment -French Sections: All sections, Compréhension and Fluidité Areas

Made changes to the following cells:

  • COM06

  • FLU08

  • COM07

  • FLU11

Adjusted scoring range from 0-3 to 1-3
All measures with a possible score of 1-3 are coded: 3 green, 2 yellow, and 1 red.
All measures with a possible score of 0-3 are coded: 3-green, 2 yellow, and 0-1 red.
All measures with a possible score of 0-5 are coded: 5-green, 3-4 yellow, and 0-2 red.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French And Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

  • Made changes to make the document more printing-friendly to fit on a single page dimension of 8.5x11 inches.

  • Increased the column for assessment name to be in one row.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Updated to split the cell that contains the current year into two rows. In the top row, include the student’s name; in the bottom row, include the current year.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Made an adjustment to the current year, which now reads 2022-23. The request is to pull this from Globals and keep the specific format 2022-23.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Changed the row name for % of Skills Mastered and adjusted it to Total Number of Skills. In the cells, insert the total number of skills for that Assessment; that is, Phonological Awareness would have 28 for the English document. The same change is applied to the French document, but then the row name is Nombre total de mesures.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Resolved the scoring where incorrect warnings were present or not present. Confirm that teachers will be provided a prompt or warning that they have entered a score outside of the scoring range; if the score is 0-25, a score of 26 should trigger a warning and not allow the teacher to save the data.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

  • Modified the appearance of the Month and Assessment name.

  • Increased the font size and bolded both the Month and the Assessment names.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

  • Modified the measure name in EGLA4: Vocabulary Measure 9. 

  • Changed the measure name to Knows Spatial Concept Words.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

  • Modified the measure name in EGLA4: Vocabulary Measure 8. 

  • Changed the measure name to Knows Sequencing Concept Words.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Modified the scoring in EGLA2: Phonics Measure 14. The scoring range must be adjusted to 0-10 instead of 0-5.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Modified the scoring in EGLA2: Phonics Measure 14. The scoring range must be adjusted to 0-10 instead of 0-5.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Modified the width of the final column.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Corrected the width of the Measure Name.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Corrected the spacing for Phase Name.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Corrected the spacing for the Measure Name.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Corrected the width and height of the First Column, including the month, assessment name, owl image, student name, and NBEN.


Document Template_Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French and Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English

Corrected the spacing for Name/NBEN.


Document Template_Service aux élèves Sensoriel - Vision and Services aux élèves ayant une perte auditive

Modified to the 'Service aux élèves Sensoriel - Vision’ and ‘Services aux élèves ayant une perte auditive’ document by updating keyword values for the Type de service field.


Document Template_Équipe Stratégique Scolaire, Membres de l’équipe Stratégique

Modified the Membres permanents de l’équipe stratégique area. All the permanent members will flow to each new meeting area.

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