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SPSM-NB_24.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: August 26, 2024



Release Note


Accueil et inclusion des élèves nouveaux arrivants, Actions pédagogiques essentielles, and Plan d'intervention

Added user message “Please ensure the Start Date and End Date fall within the current school year, with the start date not occurring after the End Date“.

To avoid the data range, users can select a date outside of the configured Global start and end date.


Bloc Notes Confidentiel, Consultation Report - ESS Staff, and Plan d'intervention Documents

  • Changed the document “Bloc Notes Confidentiel” to "Bloc Notes Confidentiel -Psy et TS scolaire".

  • Renamed the document section “Francophone” to “DSF - Formulaires”.

  • Arranged the documents under “DSF - Formulaires” are alphabetically.

  • Added a new document section “DSF - Téléchargement de documents” to contain the files only document.

  • Renamed the section “À la transition postsecondaire“ to ''à la transition postscolaire'' in Plan d'intervention document.

  • Added the Virtual checkbox to the "Consultation Report - ESS Staff" document under Purpose of Visit > Consultation > Type.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French', Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA5-FI Compréhension.

Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA5-FI Compréhension.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French', Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA4-FI Vocabulaire.

Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA4-FI Vocabulaire.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French', Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA3-FI Fluidité.

Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA3-FI Fluidité.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French', Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA2-FI Phonétique.

Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA2-FI Phonétique.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French', Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA1-FI Conscience phonologique.

Changes to Measure Name and Scoring for EGLA1-FI Conscience phonologique.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French' and 'EGLA -Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English', Colour Scheme changes

Changes to the colour scheme:

  • EGLA1: Phonological Awareness - Hex #53bee3

  • EGLA2: Phonics Hex #a6ce39

  • EGLA3: Fluency Hex #ffd400

  • EGLA4: Vocabulary Hex #f7955b

  • EGLA5: Comprehension Hex #ed1651

Removed the ability to collapse the pillar data. The data should always be visible when a teacher opens the EGLA document for a student.


Document Template ''EGLA - Early Grades Literacy Assessment - French' and 'EGLA -Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English' New Section 'Current Data'.

  • All the sections from “September” to “June” will be retired in both English and French Documents.
    There will be only one section called “Current Data”. This will act as a template and the data will flow from “Current Data” section to the “Other Sections – Summary” of document.

  • Dataflow rules:

    • The data will flow or update only if the edit happened in the respective month. For example, suppose the current month is January, and the edit happened in the “Current Data” section. In that case, the data will flow/update to January for each summary section for phonological, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension in the document.

    • If the user fails to edit/update data in any month, the fields will remain blank in that respective month.

    • The June data will flow to the student profile only after the document is finalized.

    • The data from the student profile will automatically copy to the document when creating a new one in September.

    • A few fields were renamed, and the score range also changed.


Document Template 'EGLA -Early Grades Literacy Assessment - English', Name/NBEN Spacing changes.

  • Name/NBEN Spacing changes.

  • Spacing to remain constant regardless of name length

    • Student Name – 2/3s of the space

    • NBEN – 1/3 of the space.

    • First Column (including month, assessment name, owl image, student name, NBEN).

    • Width and height should be consistent across all five assessments.

    • Use the width and height of Phonological Awareness as a guide for the other 4 EP assessments and 5 FI assessments.

    • Measure Name Spacing

    • All cells that include the measure name, measure number, and student score should have the same width regardless of how long the measure name is.

    • Use Phonological Awareness width as a guide for the other four assessments.

    • The text “Completed” is not centered in the middle of space when only one line of text though:

      • Measure Name Change (PHO06)

      • Spells VC and CVC Words with Short Vowels (score of 5)

    • There is no change to a scoring range of measure, just the name.


ESS Team Meeting Agenda, Minutes

The ‘New Search’ function is now available in the Student Lookup option of the ESS Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes document.


Personal Learning Plan

Attached files Partial Day Plan Attachments should be only in the section 'Partial Day Plan'.

Attached files Signatures should only be in the section Signatures.


Équipe stratégique scolaire

The staff added in “Membres permanents de l'équipe stratégique’ section are relected in “Personnes présentes:” section of the ESS document on saving the document.


Équipe stratégique scolaire

  • Adjusted the placement of the Red LIRE on the page. The previous order was incorrect and disrupted the explanatory text in the box.

  • Fixed the Font size button issue for long text fields.

  • Added a ‘Lire’ line into the PDACTION with message - “Il faut seulement inscrire les actions pédagogiques nouvellement mises à l’essai dans le plan d’action. Si l’élève a déjà un formulaire d’APE dans son dossier, il n’est pas nécessaire d’ajouter ces APE dans le plan d’action.“

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