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ND Compliance at a Glance

PowerSchool Special Programs Best Practices

Integration with Student Information Systems (SIS)

Data processing between districts and the state is handled at the North Dakota Department of Education level.

PowerSchool recommends system administrators routinely review the enabled export reports and import layouts for any errors. Special Programs can send an email to administrators with a compilation of all integration errors. To set this up:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Config Tasks and select or create a configuration task.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Integration.

  3. From the More menu, select Continuous Integration Settings.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the required integration instance.

  5. Scroll down to the Notification Email Address and enter your email address. To send notifications to multiple recipients, enter email addresses separated with a comma (,).

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Scroll to the bottom, enter your password, and click OK.

Integration failures are not always a sign something is wrong. Often, integration fails when the SQL Server is overloaded or offline for maintenance, and when the API server is offline. Intermittent failures that happen at night are often due to network issues. These failures are followed by successful integration runs. Contact the PowerSchool support team if integration failures persist through a day and are not followed by successful integration runs. It is important to review the error logs routinely and correct the student data as necessary. For more help, log a PowerSchool support ticket. 

New to PowerSchool Special Programs

PowerSchool recommends generating all required state reports.

  • Run all reports regardless of when the reports are due to the State.

  • Proper data migration will ensure that reports from both systems match. PowerSchool is committed to ensuring your state reporting submissions are accurate, so it is a good practice to run the reports as soon as possible during your implementation.

State Reporting

PowerSchool recommends districts run state report(s) monthly to ensure data accuracy.

Monitoring Reports

The following reports will aid the districts in maintaining their compliance with regulations. It is recommended to run the reports at least monthly. To locate these reports, navigate to Reporting > Unit Reports:



Annual IEP Due Report

This report indicates if a student's IEP is Over Due (Red), Due within 30 days (Yellow) or completed timely (Green) by Case Manager

3-Year Reevaluation Report

This report indicates a student's Most Recent Annual Review date and the Last 3-year Evaluation Date as well as if the student exited within the year by Case Manager.

All state reporting is completed in the STARS Program. Districts should run their data check reports monthly to ensure data accuracy for state reporting.

Indicator Reports Description




Indicator 7: Preschool Outcomes


State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 7 reports the percentage of preschool children, ages 3 - 5, with IEPs who demonstrate improved:      

  • Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); 

  • Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and 

  • Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

DOE collects data uploaded to STARs. Data is collected between July - June every year.

Indicator 11: Child Find


State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 11 reports the percentage of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated within State established timelines. Initial evaluations of school-age children must also be completed within 60 calendar days of a parent's consent for evaluation.

DOE collects data uploaded to STARs. Data is collected between July - June every year.

Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition


State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 12 reports the percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3. and who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and. implemented by their third birthdays. 

DOE collects data uploaded to STARs. Data is collected between July - June every year.

Indicator 13: Secondary Transition


State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13 measures “the percentage of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the students to meet post-secondary goals.

DOE collects data uploaded to STARs.

Indicator 14: Post Secondary Outcomes


State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 14 measures Postsecondary Outcomes. ... Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program, or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school.

DOE collects data uploaded to STARs. Data is collected between July - June every year.

Indicator Reports - Field Definitions

The following reports will aid the districts in maintaining their compliance with regulations. It is recommended to run the reports at least monthly. To locate these reports, navigate to Reporting > Unit Reports:

Indicator 7 Report

This report looks for the latest finalized Preschool Exit date between the July 1 through June 30 school year and the latest finalized North Dakota Child Outcomes Summary Form




Reports the student's ID number.

Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

First Name

Reports the student's first name.

Entry Date

Reports the latest finalized COSF Form Entry Date.

Outcomes 1-3

Reports Ratings 1-7 for Outcome Questions 1-3.

Keyword Table: RatingDrop Keyword Selection

Exit Date

Reports the latest finalized COSF Form Exit Date.

Outcome 1-3

Reports the latest finalized COSF Form Exit Rating for Outcome questions 1-3.

Keyword Table: RatingDrop Keyword Selection

Progress 1-3

Reports Progress Yes/No when you edit a final COSF form and an Exit Ratings, Date exit ratings were completed.

Outcome OSEP Category 1 - 3

Calculation field that relies on a combination of Outcomes for Entry and Exit.

Keyword Table: OSEP_Category Keyword Selection


Servicing Special Ed. Unit Name

Indicator 11 Report

This report looks for the latest finalized Consent to Evaluate form with an Initial Evaluation between the July 1 thru June 30 school year and reports data as outlined below.  It includes the Parent consent date, date of IWAR, Reason for Delay, whether the evaluation was completed within 60 days, if over 60 days, how many days, and reports all students between July 1 and June 30.




Reports the student's ID number.

First Name

Reports the student's first name.

Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

Special Ed Unit

Reports the number of the unit of the student's district of residence.

School District and ID Number

Reports the district number of the student's primary special education placement location.

Servicing School

Reports the district name of the student's primary special education placement location.

District of Residence

Reports the name of the student's district of residence.

Date of Parent Consent

Finalized Consent to Evaluation Form.

Date of IWAR

Finalized IWAR or IWAR-SLD.

Evaluation within 60 days

Counts the days between a signed "Consent to Evaluate" and a finalized IWAR > IWAR-SLD forms. Reports a Yes or No based on 60 days.

Reason for Delay

If Evaluation is over 60 days a reason for the delay is needed on the IWAR > IWAR-SLD form.

Number of Days beyond 60

If the evaluation is late, the program will calculate how many days over 60

Primary Disability

Flows from a Finalized IWAR, IWAR-SLD, Preschool IEP, School-Aged IEP, Transition IEP, or ISP form.

Keyword Table: EligibilityCatgories 


Finalized IWAR > IWAR-SLD with the response to the question "Does the student have a disability according to ND Guidelines. Yes or No".

Indicator 12 Report

This report looks for the latest Initial Evaluation for Student Profile: Evaluation, IEP's (3) for students that are Age 3 within the current school year >= July 1, 20XX  to <= 6/30/XX by Servicing School District Unit and includes:

  • Date the child was referred from Part C

  • If eligibility determination was completed before the third birthday

  • Reason for Delay

  • Number of days delayed

  • Eligible for Part B services

  • IEP by the third birthday

  • IEP reason for the delay

  • Number of days IEP was delayed

This report runs by unit location and age 3 is less than Globals.FirstDay of school and age is less than 3 by Globals.LastDay of School




Reports the student's ID number.

First Name

Reports the student's first name.

Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

Special Ed. Unit

Reports the number of the unit of the student's district of residence.

District ID and Name

Reports the district number of the student's primary special education placement location.

Date Child Referred from Part C

Flows from an ECSE Student Profile: Evaluation OR Student Profile: Evaluation > Question, Did this child transition from Part C services (early childhood only)? Yes/No.

Eligibility Determination completed prior to 3rd Birthday

Reports the latest Finalized IWAR Date completed prior to their third birthday.

Reason for Eligibility Delay

If Evaluation is over 60 days a reason for the delay is needed on the IWAR > IWAR-SLD form.

Number of Days Eligibility Delayed

Reports the number of days between the student's Age 3 birthday and the IWAR > IWAR-SLD date.

Eligible for Part B Services

Reports Yes or No from the latest finalized IWAR > IWAR-SLD question is the Student eligible for Part B Services.

IEP by 3rd Birthday

Reports Yes or No from the latest finalized Preschool IEP based on the student's DOB for age 3 and the IEP Meeting Date.

Reason for IEP delay

Reports Yes or No from the latest finalized IEP (3) based on the student's DOB for age 3 -21 and the IEP Meeting Date.

Number of Days IEP Delayed

Reports the number of days between the student's Age 3 birthday and the IIEP Meeting Date.

Date Year

Looks at Globals First and Last Day of School and reports the Year range (ie 2020-2021).

State-Mandated Special Education Forms

The Special Education forms in PowerSchool Special Programs are the mandated state forms. PowerSchool typically releases state form changes within 6-8 weeks from receipt of changes.


Software menu path: Search for a Student, click the Profile icon on the top right, and then use the dialog on the Profiles tab to view the fields in each section.

The following profiles and fields are important for state reporting:

District / Location

Profile Field


School District and ID Number

Search > Locations > Select a building > School Number.

Demographics/Enrollment Profile

Profile Field


Education Entity

State-provided student ID number.

First and Last Name

Student's First Name and Last Name.

Servicing Special Ed Unit

Reports the number of the unit of the student's district of residence location.

School District and ID Number

Reports the district number of the student's primary special education placement location.

Servicing School

Reports the name of the student's primary special education placement location.

District of Residence

Reports the name of the student's district of residence location.

Eligibility Profile

Profile Field


Primary Disability

Flows from IWAR > IWAR-SLD > IEP's > ISP forms.

Keyword Table: EligibilityCategories

Referred from Part C to Part B

Flows from an ECSE Student Profile: Evaluation OR Student Profile: Evaluation, Question = Did this child transition from Part C services (early childhood only)?. Yes/No

Secondary Disability

Flows from IWAR > IWAR-SLD > IEP's > ISP forms.

Keyword Table: EligibilityCategories

Program Entry Date

Flows from a finalized Consent for Initial Placement in Special Education form > Agreement Date field.

Initial Evaluation Date

Flows from a finalized Initial IWAR or IWAR-SLD > Initial Evaluation Date.

IEP Annual Review Date

Flows from a finalized Preschool > School-Aged > Transition IEP or Individualized Service Plan > Meeting Date.

Last Comprehensive Individual Assessment Date

Flows from a finalized IWAR > IWAR-SLD Today's Date or Student Profile: Evaluation.

Program Exit Date

Flows from a finalized IWAR > IWAR-SLD when the answer to "Does not have a disability According to ND Guidelines" is No.

Program Exit Reason

Keyword Table: ProgramExitReasons

Exit Year

Flows from a finalized Exit Form Date year

Setting/Educational Environment

Flows from a finalized Preschool IEP, School-aged, Transition IEP, Individualized Service Plan, or Exit Form.

Global Settings

Software menu path: Administration > Configuration > Profile Types > Globals

Settings to configure the IEP form and define the school year and submission dates for state reports.

Profile Types > (GLOBALS) > Main menu

  • District Name & Address

  • District Personnel

Profile Types > (GLOBALS) > School/Calendar menu

  • School Calendar: The dates specified in this area determine the data generated for state reporting. 

  • Model Configuration Options: Various options of the model.

Profile Types > (GLOBALS) > Time Units/Conversions

  • Default settings for Time per Week, Frequency, Duration, etc.

Profile Types > (GLOBALS) > Last Year

  • Default settings for Unduplicated Student Counts, Home Instruction Total Hours, Dates Generated by the end of Year Close

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