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SPSM-ND_21.12.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: December 7, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-51530IEP: Related Service block

Updated all three versions of the IEP to suppress printing of the Related Service title block when services are not provided. However, it will still appear in Edit mode.

SPEDSM-51664Prior Written Notice of Special Education: change 2021

Added two new checkboxes under #4. Description of Other Relevant Factors for "Sign and Return the Consent…" and "Complete the enclosed and return…"

SPEDSM-52132STARS: Profile & Report change 2021

Added two fields to Profile, Demographics/Enrollment and the Stars Export Report (Anticipated Month/Year for Graduation). Data will flow from the latest IEP Ages 16-21, T2 Section as month and year. This new report is located under Reports for State Staff, Stars Export Report (Master), and will use Globals First Day of School to select data eliminating the need to change the year for data selection.

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