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SPSM-ND_21.2.1.0 Release Notes

The release notes for this version are not considered final until the actual software release date.

North Dakota Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-36488Consent for Evaluation & Profile modification

Added "Consent for Initial Evaluation" to the section above "Initial eligibility for Delay Reason" (Indicator 12). Data flows from the Evaluation form to Profile, Consent for Initial Evaluation.

SPEDSM-36492IEP 6-15, 16-21 and Service plan

Moved "Delay Reasons" down below text "If meeting occurred more than 1 year from the prior Annual Review." The "Delay Reasons" value now flows to Profile > Eligibility > Delay Reason (Indicator 11-School Aged) once finalized.

SPEDSM-36776IWAR & IWAR-SLD - Not Eligible

Updated IWAR and IWAR-SLD. A disability will now be required only if Step 2, "Specialized instruction (Eligible)" is selected. It will not be required if "Not Eligible" is selected.

SPEDSM-36486IWAR-SLD: Delay Reason changes

Updated the delay reason > "If Initial Evaluation took longer than 60 days from Initial Consent Date to Date for ND disability on IWAR" to display a dropdown of delay reasons under the disability when the form = Initial and Consent for Evaluation is greater than 60 days (from the IWAR Meeting Date or the new profile field "Consent for Initial Evaluation"). If the determination is completed after the third birthday, (grade = PK or KG) another dropdown will appear with different delay reasons. Added a text box when delay reason = "Other."

SPEDSM-36487IWAR: Delay Reason changes
  • Modified "Reason for Determination being completed after 3rd birthday" to display when Profile > Referred from Part C to Part B = Yes AND the IWAR Meeting date is after the student's third birthday.
  • Added delay reason under the third birthday stylized text box "Reason for delay in determination being completed after 3rd birthday." This field will appear when the form = Initial and the Initial Consent for Evaluation form is greater than the IWAR Initial Meeting Date. Displays indicator 11 reasons, not Indicator 12.
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