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SPSM-ND_21.6.1.0 Release Notes

North Dakota Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-44279IEP (3 versions), Educational Environment/Related Services & Goal Page

Updated the following changes:

  • Annual Goals: Added two new checkboxes to each goal for the user to indicate School Year and/or ESY. At least one must be displayed for each goal.
  • New warning: If ESY is indicated, there must be at least one ESY goal.
  • Ed Environment: Added clarification text for ESY and modified the text of the three checkboxes for better readability.
SPEDSM-42352IEP 16-21 Modifications

Updated the following changes:

  • Cover Page: Added Educational Rights Transferred: Yes/No for a student age 18 or older as of the day of the meeting.
  • Transition 2 changed to 4 stationary rows with the required "School Year."
  • Transition 3 changed Goals, Adaptations, Educational Environment sections to rapid repeaters with stylized text boxes and insert statement capability.
SPEDSM-42353IEP 3-5 & 6-15

Added stylized text box with insert statement ability to IEP 3-5 and IEP 6-15 in the Annual Goals, Adaptation, Educational Environment section. Also anchored the pages on Save.

SPEDSM-40651IEP 3-5 & 6-15 Educational Environment Text Change

Modified text modifications in the Educational Environment area.

SPEDSM-37384IEP 3-5, Ed Setting for Age>= 6 a/o 12/1

Updated the Educational Setting. If a student's DOB is age 6 by 12/1, the program will auto-mark School-Aged and not be based on the meeting date.

SPEDSM-44728Indicator 11 Profile Unit Report

Updated the report to look at Eligibility fields within Profile. Added a new column to display delay reason text. If the Evaluation date field within Profile is empty and a Consent form exists, this date will be used.

SPEDSM-40650IWAR SLD toolbar

Moved the IWAR SLD form from the “Other” section up to the “Evaluation” section under IWAR.

SPEDSM-42335IWAR-SLD: Evaluation Team Members like the IEP

Updated changes to Evaluation Team Member:

  • Changed to function like the IEP, which includes the autofill of Parents/Students.
  • The Student row appears when the student is aged 14 or older as of the day of the meeting.
  • Added Lookup/NonLookup functionality into a text box.
  • Added Rapid Repeater Grid instead of current functionality.
  • Added Columns, Agree with Determination and Signature columns.
  • Add new Yes/No question in student name row, Educational Rights Transferred when the student is age 18 or over. If answer = Yes, rights transferred, then Parent Attendance is not required and should not stop finalization.
SPEDSM-42336IWAR: Changes to Evaluation Team Member

Updated the following changes to Evaluation Team Member:

  • Changed to function like the IEP, which includes the autofill of Parents/Students.
  • The Student row will appear when the student is aged 14 or older as of the day of the meeting.
  • Added Lookup/NonLookup functionality and placed data into a text box.
  • Added Rapid Repeater Grid for unlimited entry.
  • Added new Yes/No question in student name row, Educational Rights Transferred, when student age 18 or over. If answered Yes, then the indicate attendance column, Parent Attendance is not required and does not stop finalization.
SPEDSM-44471ND: Exit Form

Modified the Exit Form drop-down to not display exit type reasons that are not in use (for example, Certificate).

SPEDSM-42345Notice of Meeting

Updated the following changes:

  • Changed style from Memo to Letter (Remove To, From, Re: headings).
  • Added Parent 2 into an additional text box.
  • Display Parent address, city, state, zip under the name for Parent 1 & 2.
  • Changed RE: fields to include Student Name, Date of Birth, Student ID.
  • To print only one letter if both parents live at the same address. If parents live at two different addresses, print 2 letters. Do not print both addresses on a single page.
  • Changed Proposed Meeting Arrangements to a single sentence with insert statement ability.
  • Added Lookup at the end of the form as "Sincerely" (Lookup, repeater), "Thank you for your time," and "I enjoyed our conversation."
SPEDSM-42337Prior Written Notice of Special Ed Action

Updated the following changes:

  • Changed style from Memo to Letter (Remove To, From, Re: headings).
  • Continue autofill of Parent 1 into the text box. Add Parent 2 into an additional text box.
  • Displays Parent address, city, state, zip under the names for Parent 1 & 2.
  • Changed RE: fields to Student Name, Date of Birth, Student ID.
  • To print only one letter if both parents live at the same address. If parents live at two different addresses, print 2 letters. Do not print both addresses on a single page.
  • Changed "From" to "Sincerely" with a Lookup at the end of the form.
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