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SPSM-ND_21.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: August 13, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-45899IEP (3 versions): J. Special Ed & Related Services section break out
  • Modified the J. Services to separate Special Education and Related Services into two grids for all IEP versions.
  • Updated the following fields to add a drop-down list to select a user:
    • Frequency
    • Duration
    • Service Provider positions
    • Location type
  • Added two new checkboxes to indicate whether the service is only for the school year or the Extended school year (ESY) service is also available.
SPEDSM-45900Joint Notice of Meeting

Updated the following changes:

  • Changed style from Memo to Letter (Remove To, From, Re: headings).
  • Added Parent 2 into an additional text box.
  • Display Parent address, city, state, zip under the name for Parent 1 & 2.
  • Changed RE: fields to include Student Name, Date of Birth, Student ID.
  • To print only one letter if both parents live at the same address. If parents live at two different addresses, print 2 letters. Do not print both addresses on a single page.
  • Changed Proposed Meeting Arrangements to a single sentence with insert statement ability.
  • Added Lookup at the end of the form as "Sincerely" (Lookup, repeater), "Thank you for your time," and "I enjoyed our conversation."
SPEDSM-45901Student Notice of Meeting

Updated the following changes:

  • Changed style from Memo to Letter (Remove To, From, Re: headings).
  • Added Parent 2 into an additional text box.
  • Display Parent address, city, state, zip under the name for Parent 1 & 2.
  • Changed RE: fields to include Student Name, Date of Birth, Student ID.
  • To print only one letter if both parents live at the same address. If parents live at two different addresses, print 2 letters. Do not print both addresses on a single page.
  • Changed Proposed Meeting Arrangements to a single sentence with insert statement ability.
  • Added Lookup at the end of the form as "Sincerely" (Lookup, repeater), "Thank you for your time," and "I enjoyed our conversation."
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