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SPSM-ND_22.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 11, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-64198Assessments Report

Added a new report in Reporting, Standard Reports, Reports for State Staff, and State Assessments. This report indicates the Student’s Name, ID, Grade, Location, Subjects (ELA, Math, Science, Writing), Accommodation Type (Embedded, Non-Embedded Designated Supports, and so forth), Accommodation name (like, Color contrast), Detail (blue), School Year.

SPEDSM-62758Consent for Evaluation

Added a drawn line for Parent/Guardian signature within the Consent section.

SPEDSM-62768File Attachments by Form Category

Added the ability to attach files to specific documents: Open the document, go to Navigate To, and select File Attachments from the drop-down.

  • IEPs (three versions)
  • IWAR & IWAR-SLD (two documents)
  • Student Profile: Evaluation
SPEDSM-64313IEP, Assessments: Ages 6-13, Ages 16-21, Individual Service Plan

Modified the IEP, G. Adaptation of Educational Services Section in two IEPs and the Individual Service Plan to reflect a new ACT question and Tide Accommodations for user selection. Existing IEPs will retain the original display, and newly created forms will display the latest version. In addition, accommodations selected on a new IEP will flow to Profile for reporting.

SPEDSM-65982IEP, Assessments: Ages 6-13, Ages 16-21, Individual Service Plan

Modified IEP, G. Adaptation of Educational Services Section to only select a single assessment type. Added three (3) new accommodations to Color Contrast.

  • white on red,

  • red on white,

  • yellow on black. 



  • Removed the autofill of today's date in the meeting date box. The field is required.
  • Added School to the start of the form.
  • Added a new checkbox to remove the entire Signature column on the IWAR Only.
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