Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Newfoundland (NL) provincial model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When there is a "Software menu path" link in a section, you can click that link to go to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Document Templates
The NL provincial model includes the following document templates:
Tiered Approach to Learning
Consent for Assessment
Comprehensive Assessment Report
Referral for Comprehensive Assessment
Responsible Teaching and Learning Record
Service Delivery Team Consultation Request
Individualized Programming
AFM Resources Required by Student
Alternate Functional Curriculum
Alternate Transportation Application
Partial Day Programming Application and Approval
Partial Day Programming Monitoring and Evaluating
Modified Prescribed Course Record
Student Access to Alternate Format Materials
Student Request for Assistive Technology
Student Assistant Support Application
Consent for Release of Information
Medical Certificate Alternate Transportation
Alternate Course Record
Transition Plan for Students with Exceptionalities
Staff Documents
AFM Advisor Application
Building(Location) Documents
Universal Action Plan
Request for New Items from AFMNL
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Profile Types
The NL provincial model includes the following profile types:
Students - Other
Student Information
Student Contact Information
Special Education Information
Document Delivery Records
Contact Records
Sp Enrollment
Student Contacts
Class Student Roster
Model Reports
The NL provincial model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting Standard Reports
Document Status
Unfinalized Comprehensive Assessment Report
Unfinalized IEP List
Unfinalized SSP List
All locations
PowerSchool Alert Export
PowerSchool Export (SPEnrollment)
Staff Reports
Staff List
Public Student Reports
Annual Review Due within 60 Days
Exited Students
IEP Workflow Compliance
Public Exceptionality Reports
Exceptionality List
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports
The NL provincial model does not include any Advanced Reports.
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, and exit reasons, etc.
Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.
Those keyword tables that are not required for state reporting can be edited by the system administrator.
The NL provincial model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
AssessmentSummary | Values for Assessment Summary (ISTM/IEP) |
Assessor | Assessor |
BoardExitReason | Board Exit Reason |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
ClassYearStatus | Contains values 'past', 'current', and 'future'. Used for classes. |
ContactMethod | ContactMethod |
CopyRightYear | Copy Right Year |
Curricular_Course | Curricular Course for K-6 courses |
DeliveryModes | Modes of Delivery for notices |
Devices | Devices |
Domain | Domain |
ElectoralDistrict | Electoral District |
ElementaryCourses | Contains a list of Elementary Cources |
EnrollmentStatus | Enrollment Status |
EnrollmentType | Type of Student |
Exceptionality | Contains a list of Exceptionalities |
ExceptionalityPriority | Exceptionality Priority |
ExceptionalitySubCategories | Exceptionality Sub Categories |
FocusArea | Focus Area |
FrenchProgramType | French Program Type |
GenderTable | Contains an entry for each sex. |
Generation | Generation |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
IndependenceLevels | Independence Levels |
IndividualProgramService | Individualized Programming Services |
Language | Contains list of languages |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
Month | Months |
NextStep | Next Step |
OpenIDValue | PS Open ID Values |
Placement | Contains list of Placement |
PlacementLocation | Placement Locations |
PlanType | Plan Type |
PostSecondaryDestination | Post Secondary Destination |
PostSecondaryIndependencelevel | Post Secondary Independence level |
Program | Contains a list of Programs |
ProgSource | Contains a list of Sources for the Program Page of the IEP |
Provinces | provinces |
Region | Region |
Relationship | Relationship |
Roles | User Roles in TIENET |
RTLRCategory | RTLR Categry |
RTLRStrategy | RTLR Strategy |
RTLRStrategyArea | RTLR Strategy Area |
SEA_GoingTo | SEA Going to |
SEACategoryArea | SEA Blind/Low Vision and PT/OT Categories |
SEAClaimStatus | List of SEA Claim statuses |
SEAClaimsType | Tech or Claims Based Type |
SEAComputerHardware | SEA Computer Hardware list |
SEAEquipmentGroup | SEA Equipment Group |
SEALoanStatus | List of SEA Loan Status |
SEAMethod | SEA Method values |
SEAOrderEquipType | SEA Order Claims Equipment Types |
SEAPPESize | SEA PPE Sizes |
SEAPTOTCategory | SEA PTOT Claims Category |
SEAPTOTSubCategory | SEA PT OT Sub Categories |
SEAType | Indicates if equipment is SEA or Loaner |
Skill | Skill |
SkillArea | Skill Area |
SpecialEdExitReason | Special Education Exit Reason |
Strands | Strands |
StudentContactAddressType | Contains an entry for each address type. |
StudentContactEmailType | Contains an entry for each email type. |
StudentContactPhoneType | Contains an entry for each phone type. |
StudentContactRelType | Contains an entry for each email type. |
StudentLivesWith | Student Lives With |
TestAdministered | TestAdministered |
Topics | Topics |
TransitionPlanType | TransitionPlanType |
TransitionResponsibility | List of individuals responsible for Transition Actions |
Years | Years |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall NL provincial model:
Revision feature
Active Document
Program icons/flags
Document Delivery
Contact Log
PowerSchool SIS Unlimited Contacts Integration
PowerSchool SIS Integration: IEP, SSP, RTL and TP Tags