Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-103492 | Alerts | Disabled alerts for RTLR and Transition plan (TP). The Transition plan document was also updated to decrease the usage of JSIF tag for better performance. |
SPEDSM-103719 | Alternate Course Record | Added a new section titled "Personnel Responsible for Teaching and Learning" under the Course Developers section, which includes a staff ID lookup feature and the ability to duplicate entries. Removed the Personnel Responsible field from the specific learning outcomes section. Updated the label of the Learning Resources section to Learning Resources (Indicate any required assistive technology and alternate format materials).
SPEDSM-103886 | Application for Home Teaching Services (AFHTS) | Added the word “Expected” to “Period of absence from school,” changing it to “Expected period of absence from school.” Changed "Accessibility" to "Physical Health". Updated statement to: “Student has been diagnosed with a medical condition and/or is undergoing treatment which prevents them from….” (Removed “physical ailment or injury”). Changed "Social-Emotional/Behavioural" to "Mental Health". Deleted checkbox and text for "Medical - Student has been diagnosed with a medical condition and/or is undergoing treatment which prevents them from accessing school on a short-term basis." Removed the mandatory statement and corresponding “please upload here” prompt: "A medical note is attached which specifies the reason for and the timeframe of the absence. Please upload here." Office Use Sections: Office Use Only - For EDU Use: Changed Title: Updated to “Office Use Only - Department of Education - Student Services Policy & Program Development.” Deleted: "For EDU Use." Changed Wording: "District Reviewer" to "Department of Education Student Services Implementation Personnel." "EDU Reviewer" to "Department of Education Student Services Policy & Program Development Personnel." "EDU Reviewer" to "Department of Education Student Services Policy & Program Development Reviewer."
Changed "District Reviewer" to "Department of Education Student Services Implementation Reviewer" when “requires additional information” is selected.
SPEDSM-103883 | AT Device Replacement Application (ATDRA) | Replaced NLESD IT with NLSchools IT in a sentence. Moved the School year field and renamed it to School Year for which AT is requested. Added a new field under identifying information for School deployed to. Deleted the words NLESD and district in the Office Use Sections. Updated Office Use sections. Updated the Office Use Only - For Department of Education Use.
SPEDSM-103494 | Comprehensive Assessment Report and Speech-Language Pathology Assessment Report documents. | Made the following changes: |
SPEDSM-103873 | Consent for Student Services Assessment | Changes made as below: Added two new required fields Vision and Hearing Screening. Added multiple options for Informed Consent that the parent/guardian or student must check each box before signature. Updated the I hereby give consent statement. Deleted the word “Lead” from the signature field of the assessor. Removed the line and date fields from the Principal Acknowledgement section. Added a staff ID lookup feature to the Principal Acknowledgement section. Updated the title School Office Use Only. Added a new section titled "PRIVACY NOTICE (Specific to this form)" along with the updated privacy notice text.
SPEDSM-104844 | Document Action property update | Administrators can now enable or disable sending message notifications for the below documents by selecting the Document Action property “Can Be Disabled By ADMIN”. Document: SRFAT. The following document actions are available: Send message to Department Contact Send message to Director of Student Support Serv (removed as duplicate notifications were being sent to the Director of Student Support Services) Send message to Director of Student Support Servi Student Support Services or Designate - Notify Educational Audiologist - Notify Notification to Dist Services Personnel
Document: AFMAccess. The following document actions are available: Send Notification to DepartmentContact Sent Notification for Approve/Decline Notification to Person Providing Verification
Document: RCSAAFMNL. The following document actions are available: |
SPEDSM-103509 | Easy Edit changes added in NLPROD | Added Easy edit changes to the NLPROD as per the document provided by the customer. |
SPEDSM-103874 | Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) Results | Modified the selection functionality under "Function of Behavior" to allow users to choose more than one option, with a maximum of two options. Updated the note to read: “Please check one or two options only” under the "Function(s) of Behavior" section. Changed the word "Function" to "Function(s)" where applicable. Changed the word "function" to "function(s)" in the FBA summary statement.
SPEDSM-105054 | Office use section name changes | Document AT Device Replacement Application [ATDRA] Updated Office Use Only - Student Services Implementation to Office Use- EDU- Implementation Updated Office Use Only - Department of Education - Student Services Program Development Specialist to Office Use- EDU- Program Development Application for Home Teaching Services [AFHTS]
Updated Office Use Only- Department of Education- Student Services Implementation to Office Use- EDU- Implementation Updated Office Use Only- Department of Education- Student Services Policy & Program Development to Office Use- EDU - Program Development Updated Office Use Only- Department of Education- Student Services Implementation to Office Use- EDU- Implementation. |
SPEDSM-103877 | Partial Day Programming: Application and Approval | Updated the line to: “An FBA and SE/BSP are necessary when behavior is a primary concern” and deleted “or BSP (SDM).” Removed the text “(RTL) or Behaviour Support Plan (SDM)” from the “Date of social emotional/behavioral support plan … updated” field. Replaced “Responsive teaching and learning record (RTL)” with “Record of Intervention (ROI)” in the “Date of responsive teaching and learning record … updated” field. Changed the title to: “Office Use - EDU - Implementation.” Deleted the field/label “District Section”.
If easy edit has been applied to the documents you will not see the changes made by PowerSchool as we do not override customers' Easy Edits. Revert to the PowerSchool version to see these changes with the option "Revert to current PowerSchool version" in the Easy Edit tab. |
SPEDSM-103871 | Referral for Student Services Assessment | Removed the red prompt: "Hearing and Vision Screening has not yet been completed." Resolved an issue where the form did not update the lead assessor information. The referral for student services assessment document now correctly auto-populates the lead assessor data within the consent for student services assessment. Any changes made to the lead assessor on the referral form will be reflected in the consent form once the referral form is finalized. Verified that lead assessor data correctly flows and auto-populates from the referral for student services form to the consent form. This data transfer will occur once the "referral for student services form" is finalized.
SPEDSM-105256 | Referral for Student Services Assessment and Consent for Student Services Assessment documents | Resolved data clearing issues on the Referral for Student Services Assessment and Consent for Student Services Assessment documents. |
SPEDSM-103493 | Retired Documents | Retired the following documents: |
SPEDSM-103515 | Individual Education Plan Summary K-12 | Updated the Individual Education Plan Summary document. Changes include: Modifying the document title to Individual Education Plan Summary K-12. Adding the ability to duplicate the 'Parent/Guardian' field. Removing the 'Date' field under 'Identifying Information. Introducing a required logical field for selecting the education plan (K-6 or 7-12). Adjusting the Accommodations section based on the chosen education plan. Additional enhancements involve the addition of new headers, fields, and checkboxes, renaming sections, and reorganizing existing content within the document.
SPEDSM-103869 | SDM - Record of Alternate Program | Removed the "Personnel Responsible" section from the specific learning outcomes section. Added a new area titled "Personnel Responsible for Teaching and Learning" before the "Type of Alternate Program" section. This new section includes a staff ID lookup feature with the ability to add multiple rows.
SPEDSM-103868 | SDM - Record of Pre-referral Intervention | Deleted the fields for: |
SPEDSM-103888 | Speech-Language Pathology Year End Summary (SLPYES) | Updated the title to "Speech Language Pathology Progress Note". Added a date field with a calendar lookup to the beginning section of the document. Added the following statement with multiple checkbox options: “The following speech-language services were provided to your child during the (select school year through drop-down) school year.” Added the following before the “Speech Language Pathologist completing this form…” text: Changed "Reassessment of:" to "Assessment/Reassessment of:" Changed "Receives" to "Receive." Deleted the date from this section (now moved to the beginning of the form). Deleted the line "If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at:" Added a feature for the SLP’s email to autopopulate after the “SLP completing this form” field.
SPEDSM-103887 | Student Assistant Support Application (SAS) | Deleted the Individualized Programming area with multiple options. Updates to the communication area: Updated “Student is minimally verbal i.e. functional vocabulary of 30 words or less in the school environment.”” Updated “Student requires support for instruction and evaluation presented in Braille (Student Assistant must be proficient in, or receive training in, Braille).” Updated ”Student requires support for instruction and evaluation presented in ASL. This support is for students using ASL as their primary means of communication (Student Assistant must be proficient in, or receive training in, ASL).” Added a statement with a checkbox “ Student requires support for instruction and evaluation using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). This support is for students using AAC as their primary means of communication (Student Assistant must be proficient in, or receive training in, using AAC).” Added the below options
Updates to the Access area: Updated “Student requires the support of an adult for portering, lifting, and handling of materials (student cannot hold, pick up, grasp, lift or feel materials). “ Added the below options
Updates to the Personal Care area: Updated Feeding – manual or tube feeding – is developing skills. Updated Feeding – manual or tube feeding – is unable to develop skills. Updated Dressing/undressing/personal hygiene – is developing skills. Updated Dressing/undressing/personal hygiene – is unable to develop skills Added the below options.
Updates to the Safety area: Updated Student requires ongoing adult supervision due to behaviours that may compromise the safety of the student and/or others. Updated Student has a history of elopement behaviours (leaving protected and safe surroundings without notifying anyone) and lacks awareness of danger to self. Added the below options:
Deleted the “Verify the following documents exist in students document section”. Deleted the administrators signature, name, date line. Deleted the “Parent/guardian approval obtained” line Added the following statements with checkboxes: Changed the line to Director of Student Services or Designate Changed “Declined” to “Not Approved.” Updated “Director of Student Support Services or Designate” to “Director of Student Services or Designate”. Changed “Date of District Decision” to “Decision Date.” Changed “Declined reason” to “Reason.” Updated the title from "Office Use Only" to "Office Use- EDU- Implementation”.
SPEDSM-103510 | Student Profile | Removed the "Cultural Considerations" section from the Special Education Profile. This section is also being removed from the Comprehensive Assessment Report and no longer needs to auto-populate here. Created a new profile section titled "BVI Assessment Summary" from the FLVMA report. This section is available in its own flyout/tab. Configured the new "BVI Assessment Summary" section to auto-populate with data from the finalized FLVMA report, including: FVLMA Assessment Date: (date field, calendar lookup) EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS: Long text box RECOMMENDATIONS: Long text box
SPEDSM-103511 | Title change in Document category | Changed the title of Comprehensive Assessment to Assessment. |
SPEDSM-105932 | Updated document names | |